Friday, August 3, 2007

Shifting Gears - Part 2

If “Shippy” was the propelling force behind Shina’s charges, I thought it best to research the same November 2006 comments. While I don’t recall the final tally from Shina’s selected list these are my findings:

“Keep it up, Shippy. You have no idea.” -loretta 11.09.06 - 11:22 pm

“I can help with the nics, too. Anita, Katie Coolady, Scribby, Mrs. V.,Shippy, Lowblows, Peace, Moe, Samantha, JA, Ntegrity, Miss Loveliness, Closet, Patsy. ~NM 11.09.06 - 12:45 pm

Shippy? How fucking dare you bitch! You rode him and a dead woman named Laci onto a Paypal account.” ~Baby Girl 11.10.06 - 1:46 am

“And Low claims to be someone who wants to bury the hatchett, yeah sure, right in the back of someone's skull. Nasty Nutcase. ((((Peace)))) ((((Shippy)))) ~ Anonymous 11.10.06 - 11:52 pm

“She was all over the damn map yesterday, first blaming Sam and holding her solely accountable on the blogs, and then blaming Shippy, Peace, NM, Loblows and whomever else she has made threats against.“ ~ Anony 11.10.06 - 12:19 pm

“I'd like to know what Shippy's crime against Loretta Serrano was. Did he try to screw the ugly bitch or something (ewww) for her to call him a pervert?” ~ Ntegrity 11.11.06 - 3:12 pm

“Some who don't have blogs up might be cheering on the fact that some were removed, but who was left holding the bag? Peace? NM? Shippy? Nice. I don't think so. ~Anony 11.11.06 - 4:58 am

“We need a score card. I notice that Shippy and Patsy are still on the ropes. To name 2 that come to mind but I've had 3 Messy-Politans and it's all going fuzzy.” ~Anonymous 11.12.06 - 1:39 am

“I went to bed, then had to come back and check...are JA's, Shippy's, Miss Loveliness's, Patsy's and Samantha's gone? Will someone please email me when they are gone?” ~ Anita Richman 11.12.06 - 5:16 am

“Hey Shippy, At the end, it's discovered that one of the neighbours has a ton of pictures of young boys on his basement wall. If you see the end, please post whose house that was.” ~ Word 11.12.06 - 11:05 pm

“For you Shippy. Those are martini glasses filled with your cocktail of choice.” ~ Licensed Mixologist 11.12.06 - 11:09 pm

“Goodness Gracious... Shippy -- wow, good to see you again. Didn't realize you had gotten back already.” ~ madisonmutt 11.13.06 - 12:21 am

“Or maybe, who ran off with the bartender Shippy. ~ Anonymous 11.13.06 - 12:21 am

“Gonna see a lot of me, Shippy. Until a certain link is removed. Otherwise there will be a personal contact with a certain employer out of an ethical obligation for the way personal information is gathered and used. I think it's great that she took down the blogs, but she needs to finish the job.” ~ madisonmutt 11.13.06 - 12:26 am

“Awww thanks, Shippy. We do have a lot of fun here sometimes... even if it's just reading the creative efforts of others LOL. Heaven know's that's not me. ~ madisonmutt 11.13.06 - 12:33 am

“Thank you Shippy. I know that I've thanked you before, but I'll go on thanking you, because it's been an enjoyable learning curve.” ~Patsy 11.14.06 - 4:28 pm

“Nice meltdown, BG. Please someone, anyone, JA,Shippy -BAN ME!”
Jamie is Closet 11.14.06 - 11:13 pm

2/2/07 - I was notified there was a special guest in chat. I had an appointment that day, but dropped by to say hello. Including myself, there were four other participants. After a brief visit, I left. The edits are mine.

Shina’s comments before my arrival: “Yeah well it's about to hit the fan again and Ladies I mean hit the ever lovin fan from hell not with Loretta either. Long story short, I think I have proof it's Anita and gang doing the calling and the current hate blog.

Look at this tag: (Technorati tag) * Hall of Shame, * papillon, * stalker, * Bully, * rxxxxxx, * Loretta Serrano, * cyberstalker, * Shina Hart * Vxxxxxx Jxxx Pxxxxxx, * Gene Rxxxxxx, * Charlene Vxxxxxxxx, * vxxxxxxxx, * chrishina, * anne curi

Why would Loretta or Anne list their OWN names on that blog in the search tags? Would Anne call herself a brazilain nut? Who has a big problem with Pap for not deleting her blog to end the war...Mr G for staying at the Pound...JA for whatever reason?”

I enter chat and get a briefing: “Shina thinks that our former pals are behind that bash blog against you. She's getting together her points to show us why she thinks that. She has some interesting observations. That apology by the bash blog person about the complaint of impersonation.. some of the phrases don't sound like anne the nut, or lo..”

In response to a question, Shina answers: “I thought I did but you know I can't remember. CRS is still in full blown with me. Can't remember shit.”

(As I leave chat, I’m told I will get an update, which is why I have the transcript.)

Someone poses the question:
“Is loretta bothering anyone right now that we are certain of?”
Shina responds:
Not that I know about Loretta stalking.
Well I'm positive it's Anita and gang.”

Flashback: “Hey idiot who claims I'd be surprised to know who you are...fucking get over yourself. You're a loser and a COWARD on top of that! I feel sure you're Loretta Serrano but if not grow a pair and say who you are or just shut the fuck up!” ~Shina/Sam 01.27.07 - 10:16 pm

Shina continues: “I agree it is rotten but if I'm wrong I'll eat my shoes and Vero's! I've spent the past two days comparing notes and it all points to them not Loretta. And yall know I would rather it Loretta than them. Bashing Papi and me as well! But what bothers me is they are listing Loretta and Anne's name. Loretta nor Anne have ever done that before. If anything they didn't want Loretta's name in the searches on the tags I linked earlier to that blog.”

1. “Whoever this blogger is has a big problem with mostly Pap.
2. They call you a perv they call you Sxxx Wxxxx and Sir Charles.
3. They don't say anything much about me just enough to piss me off but nothing personal like they do you and Pap.
4. They link to Pap's Blog and xxxxxxxxxxx but not The Pound.
5. They call Anne a Brazilian Nut but Loretta and Vero by their respective names.
6. For some reason they also have a problem with JA.”

“The part that bugs me about that post is 'bad manners! No side scan sonar'. Remember bad monkey no banana, who wrote that? ANITA. No they're saying you've bad so no fun for you. Don't like pap for not removing her blog. Don't like for staying at the pound. Don't care for JA or Me. Doesn't like Anne. Doesn't want to piss off Loretta or BG. Oh and the blog they say 'my fellow LHs'.

Let’s do what my fellows LHs and Charlene Vxxxxxxxx think they do better:’ Fellow LHs? They call themselves a fellow LHs. ‘SHINA HART - Poor girl!’ Who felt pity for me? ANITA. Also they expressed a lot of concern about Pap not deleting her blog and Loretta attacking them for it. They call Mr G ’Shippy’. I looked through their old posts at the pound and only Anit and co called Mr G ’shippy’.”

When asked if she had access to The Pound, Shina replied, “No, I was offered, but I declined. I just don't want it said I have access to IPs and all that crap.”

A snip from the hate blog: “She doesn't care if Loretta or her Brazilian Nut friend decides to reinstate the so called tribute Blogs in return to what she does in her Blog. She doesn't mind. Well, we wouldn't blame her for that, would we? Is any of her LH's friends afraid of this? Why? Just because they have personal lives? Just because they have moved on? Fuck them. She is Charlene Vxxxxxxxx.”

“When reading at castaway jo's blog I found close to that same comment posted by Anita and crew. This person isn't pissed about what Papi writes their pissed that she does. And they don't mention BG or the Pound. Now who is skeered of BG? Well too whoever has the blog is somewhat techie with bloggers setup. They now about blog reader services and how to keep theirs out of them and in them....they know about technoodle or however you spell it.

Oh oh oh! Shit I keep forgetting. Barbara and Monica emailed me about my latest fit at loretta's. Oh thats right yall don't know. I went off! I mean I threatened Loretta within an inch of her life at her blog. She did nothing, but babs and smartass Monica were sent in to calm me down. At the time I thought they had the hate blog and it was updated and they targeted me again. So me being without my lovely pause button loose my shit.

Well bar and mon emailed and were very nice fake but still they both claim Anne and Loretta are not behind the blog but that's it one of our own and also that Anne is a real person. Let me get the emails they are sickening, seriously at one point I threw up in my mouth. Sorry bout that but it was that sick. I'll have to email them to yall. Brb going to get the emails in order don't want to forward them.”

Shina’s last statement before the chat session terminated:
“I think we should pressure them to take down Pap's blog.”

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