Friday, August 24, 2007

Flashback - Part 2

I didn’t know much about Shina when she committed her act of treason in May 2006, but I was thoroughly disgusted by the rupture she spawned. There isn’t one of us in a position to judge the impact Shina’s betrayal had on those who were affected by her self-serving conduct. Shina had sown the seeds of doubt but wasn’t mature enough to accept the fact that some people would never trust her again. She also wasn’t gracious enough to embrace an olive branch when extended.

On 8/15/06, KCL sent me a copy of an email she had forwarded to Shina, which was forthright and sincere. KCL blamed her own inability to recognize Shina as “a child of God” and asked for forgiveness. KCL said as much the day the tribute blogs were dismantled.

“When I left the blogs back in Aug or Sept. and said my goodbyes then, I also wrote Sam directly and apologized to her and completely resolved things with Sam. It was mutual and I've not said a word about her since and have felt totally at peace with things between us personally. So there's the public acknowledgement of that. I let some people know I had done that but it was most important, to me, as I moved on that Sam and I were not hating each other and there was forgiveness.” ~katiecool*dy 11.12.06 - 4:37 pm

“I have no grievance with Samantha now and have not for some time. Samantha knows this and if anyone else has issues with me that they need to resolve I am totally open to that.” ~katiecool*dy 11.12.06 - 6:30 pm

Shina's response was not about forgiveness…

“Katie before I contacted Loretta we barely spoke to each other. We were never close and we didn't email, IM or phone each other. Like the others we supported each other on the blogs. Why you took such an issue with me still confuses me. I was wrong I said I was. You forgave me in emails, but fanned the flames on the blogs and in other emails. I accepted your apology for lying about me on the blogs and in emails. But even after you apologized if I was mentioned on the blogs you went into attack mode. It's ok if you don't like me, but to lie about me because you just don't like me was wrong.

If you're at peace I'm happy for you. I guess I'm at peace with only being able to support my friends in emails, phone and IM because you thought it best to lie about me and rake me over the coals even though others asked you not to and just ignore me on the blogs. They asked us to post around each other and I was ok with that but you couldn't do it. I posted as anonymous and supported you through it all even after you decided to hate me. But as long as you have peace its all good right?” ~Samantha 11.14.06 - 8:09 pm

Perhaps those with a better memory than mine can recall Katie doing any of the things Shina refers to after 8/15/06, but I can’t.

“I took the hits for bash blogs, usenet posts and many other things I didn't do. I took it because I felt I wronged people and it was my place to take the heat for them. I could have found out who owned lowdoo and stop serrano and turned the attacks on the real owners but I didn't. No matter how I try to undo the harm I caused it will never be good enough for some. To those that have remained my friend though out all of this thank you. Like always we have email, IM and the phone! My battle with Loretta has been over for months, she's dead to me. Goodbye hate war for the last time.”
Samantha 11.14.06 - 8:09 pm

“Where was Katie and Anita when my bash blog went back up because of their blogs about Loretta?” ~Samantha 11.15.06 - 12:00 am

Hello? If these two entries don’t look like engraved invitations to take her tribute blog out of mothballs, I don’t know what does!

Loretta Serrano Dillon is an EVIL BITCH! October 14,2006 04:56 GMT -I imagine my hate blog that Loretta Serrano Dillon runs at will be back up and in business because you will see this as my "asking for it". But in truth I had left you alone and you as of today continue to

Shina Hart Fights Back - Since Loretta Serrano Dillon claims she is not the owner of these hate blogs created to harass, bully and stalk, lets see how long it takes for the Shina Hart hate blog to come back to life! Watch with me Loretta Serrano Dillon's Hate Blog Created to Stalk and Libel Shina Hart if you like! - by beingshina in Shina Hart Fights Back

“I now have two blogs where as I only had one until you started your bullshit with me stalker. I've place saved several blogs because of your crazy stalking ass but they're not what I consider active, nor will they ever be. I only have one blog about you Loretta, this one, and let me remind you AGAIN it didn't exist until YOU STARTED YOU BULLSHIT WITH ME on 10-13-2006! You want this blog to go away like the others I created to FIGHT OFF YOUR LIES,

loretta said...
Oh, and not to forget the
"Where in the Hell is Lowdoo" blob that Shina takes credit for.
samanthaheart.blogspot (defunct)
lorettaserranodillon.blogspot (defunt)
lorettaserranoisacyberstalker.blogspot (defunt)
lorettaserranoisaf*tard.blogspot (defunct)
And several others with variations on Samantha Hart/Heart, Shina Hart/Heart, Hart's wife, Heart's wife, etc. ~11/5/06 @ 7:21 PM

”I don't think anyone ever doubted that Samantha was the one behind posting all that information at Usenet”

“I don't believe for a minute that Samantha was responsible for ALL of the information at Usenet, and Samantha never cut ties with ALL of us, either. Stop making shit up about Samantha. Samantha has suffered enough.”
Anonymous 11.18.06 - 5:31 pm

”Samantha has suffered enough. ~Anonymous 11.18.06 - 5:31 pm”

“I didn't realize she was suffering. I saw her posting back and forth with Vero at her blog over a week ago. And her blog had an entry about not being involved in the blog war and wanting to be left alone by everyone. I must have misunderstood the meaning. My apologies.”
Anonymous 11.18.06 - 5:36 pm

“Loretta don't you ever email me again! That's not my damn blog, never has been, never will be. FUCK OFF AND DIE ALREADY YOU CRAZY FUCKING BITCH! You go ahead and take me court you crazy fuck I'll laugh my way all the BANK BITCH! I'm telling you for the last time LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!”
Samantha 11.18.06 - 6:47 pm

“I'm sick of Low, the threats, the lies and all around bullshit that hasn't stopped for over a year. I'm only going to say this one time Low so take notes you cracked out fucked in the head evil beast of a self centered waste of space good for nothing piece of sorry white trash BITCH! I deleted ALL things referring to you at the ONE blog I reopened to fight off your attacks on me! I deleted ALL my posts at usenet I posted. Though you haven't deleted a single threat, lie or comment about me at usenet.

I'm not an admin or owner at The Truth Tree, The Pound, LH2, Hall of Shame, Lopats sites, Lowdoo, Stop Serrano or any other blog created about your evil ways. I haven't bothered, email or posted about you in fucking forever! Yet you continue to threaten me with your lies. For the last time I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU! You could die a slow painful death and I wouldn't shed a single tear! BANK ON THAT BITCH!

Whoever MAY be feeding this shit to Loretta FUCK YOU TOO! You would be well advised not to fuck with me about this shit again! All of you crazy no life having fuckheads need not email me again! Don't bring me back into this shit! I'm telling ya it won't be nice! Disclaimer:This post isn't to any friendly pup.”
Samantha 11.18.06 - 7:07 pm

“Samantha, I don't know you but gotta say I like your style.”
Anonymess 11.18.06 - 7:12 pm

For someone who doesn’t want to be brought back into this, suffering Samantha keeps loading the cannon. On Tuesday 11/21/06, Shina sent the following email to five people:

Maybe someone should quote this mission statement from Lori/Loretta Serrano's job website and include her quotes about wishing they all died?????

“Contact Information for Customers Affected by Hurricanes At Bankers Life and Casualty Company we extend our concern and sympathy to everyone whose lives have been impacted by hurricane disasters. If you are a Bankers customer with questions or concerns about billing, claims or any other service issue please call us toll-free at 1-800-843-9085 or E-mail Us. “

To my knowledge, no one took Samantha/Shina up on her suggestion.

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