Saturday, September 1, 2007

Not a Dentist - Part 1

When Baby Girl asked for a tribute to honor Jessica Lunsford in March 2007, I obliged. By the time the entry was ready for publishing, I received an email from Max informing me that Shina had to transfer the blog to the new Blogger some time back so she set up a new Google account. I had never done an entry for The Pound before, so Max provided the new login. Considering the tribute was done at BG’s request, I presumed she knew who had put it all together.

The multifaceted Anna Nicole Smith tragedy was the primary topic of discussion at The Pound for weeks. Anna Nicole was not the center of my universe, so I pretty much kept an eye on the board without comment while redesigning the layout of my kitchen.

“Thank you so much. Everytime I see little Jessica, I remember the nasty vile garbage that someone over there spilled about her father Mark. He continues to fight the fight, as well as trying to handle his own loss. I bet you will never see wokeye admit she made a wrong call on Mark Lunsford. Or they may not be in the same class as her.” ~why 03.11.07 - 8:06 pm

“I've never read any let up on Mark from crawly ass, even after he was cleared and they caught that bastard Couey...she made a remark about Mark milking the tragedy and how much he was loving the spot light, that's what I jumped her over in private and she posted my e-mail as a "I love you" type thing on her blog. Not that she milked Laci's death or anything thou [sic] did she? Bottom feeding bitch!”
Baby Girl 03.11.07 - 8:10 pm

The following day, Shina complained about her electric bill. I replied as Anonymous, and since Shina knows my IP she was capable of identifying who authored the post.

”How do you go from having the same electric bills for two years to having a 150.00 to 200.00 increase without adding or changing anything except using less electricity? ~Samantha 03.12.07 - 4:32 pm”

“When something major is malfunctioning. Happened to me when the well pump was on its last leg and straining to operate. Sure enough, after the pump quit and was replaced, the electric bill went back to normal range.”
Anonymous 03.12.07 - 9:27 pm

Max, Louise, and myself continued to communicate through chat, but neither Shina nor BG ever returned to IM again. Although Max periodically sent BG text messages, he told me they had gone unanswered.

“I spoke to Sammy on the phone last night and she didn't budge an inch on her disgust with her Howie hate...snort! Gotta love a girl that stands her ground! Oh and she and Brutal spoke. ( I freaking kid you not...he literally spoke to her. (kisses to my Mr. G man where ever he may be...winkles & smooches baby boy!)”
Baby Girl 03.18.07 - 11:31 pm

“It's look to the media, kiddies. Everybody's doing this on the come. It's sell a book, sell photos, sell secrets. A British news agency is footing Virgie's bills."
Patsy 03.19.07 - 12:41 am

“I know I mentioned this on the phone to BG but wasn't sure if I posted it here too. From” ~Samantha 03.19.07 - 4:14 am

“BabyGirl the parts in bold is the information I was telling you about on the phone.” ~Samantha 03.19.07 - 4:29 am

In defense of Howard K. Stern
and apparently the controversial poster known as "D"...

“I had someone in my life for over 10 years that "worked" exclusively for the company but was basically mine. Her bills were paid, rent, clothing, cell and phone bills, a car and her gas. If I wasn't around and she needed extra cash, she wrote herself a check from my account and signed my name. She wasn't a leech, she wasn't a hanger-on and she wasn't using me. Believe me when I say she earned every dime she got dealing with me and my crazy shit! Some of you may remember her...D?” ~Baby Girl 03.19.07 - 8:16 pm

“BabyGirl a friggin blast talking to ya tonight on the phone as always! Let me know what you decide to watch on our movie night!” ~Samantha 03.21.07 - 5:02 am

“I truly wish I wasn't such a dumbass with this Halo scan thing! Thanks in advance, Admin!” ~Toonces the Driving Cat 03.24.07 - 10:48 pm

“I would go in and fix your link but Admin prefers that I not go digging in the lab so to speak...I'm sure it will be fixed in the morn. Nite my sweet Mr. G-man, where ever you are...I miss and luv ya baby boy! (I miss Mabel, Louise, Lola, Pei Pal, Clifford's Mom and so many others also but if they are off enjoying life than I say best to ya kids!)” ~Baby Girl 03.24.07 - 11:15 pm

This statement is positively mind-boggling. If Baby Girl believed the 'crew' was MIA, who did she think provided the current entry? Who was left minding the store? Shina? If so, Shina didn’t bother fixing Toonces blockquote, I did. Evidently BG missed Patsy's comments as well.

“BG, I hate dentists, too. I've spent a great deal of my life sitting in dentist's chairs. I fear some day when I'm sitting there, I might growl like a mad dog, and bite the bastard in his face. But I never do. I just sit there and make nice, counting the minutes until it's over.” ~Anonymous 03.24.07 - 11:54 pm

“Ditto about the dentists Anonymous. I keep telling mine that he needs to put up a pic on the ceiling for us ladies to take our minds off of the dentistry. Say for example, a hunk on a beach.. just saying.” ~Patsy 03.25.07 - 12:01 am

“Stern doesn't have children.
BG I know how afraid you must be, I will be around in the morning if you need me. Remember, I love you as if you were my own. Everything will be fine. I promise! Do your steps. Fight it out until with A until you get tired and let the medicine take effect and it will be over before you know it. A, R and C would never in a million years allow anything to happen to you. You are a very brave girl, you are strong and you can and will do what you need to do. You will be alright. I swear on my soul. I wish you would answer the phone but I know why you won't so if you see this, I am here. I am only a call away. Love you little one with all my heart.”
NotADentist / Denise 03.25.07 - 11:20 pm

“Hey BG, Just got your message. Since the Goon is prolly sleeping I won't call and wake him. But if you see this in the next little bit call me back! Wish I could be there with you tomorrow. Offer to talk you through via phone is still on the table. Whatever it takes sweet lady. Big Hugs (((BabyGirl))) Thinking of you.”
Samantha 03.25.07 - 11:45 pm

“Oh I am sorry Not A Dentist. I thought I read somewhere, that Howard K Stern had been married and had two children. Maybe it was another Howard Stern. Sorry.” ~meme 03.26.07 - 12:15 am

“It was another Howard K Stern. A very easy mistake meme. Do not believe all you hear and only half of what you see. Howard's attorney's will hold a presser tomorrow at 3.” ~NotADentist / Denise 03.26.07 - 12:23 am

Denise up your dosage you crazy bitch! How many times does BG have to you to leave her alone? You're so damn jealous of her it's SICK! I don't take money from BG like YOU!” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 12:33 am

"JMO but none of you know how to take care of BabyGirl. You are only here for your own agendas about Loretta. You could not care less for BabyGirl. You do not know her! How many of you does she support financially? Is that friendship? Well played, very well played. She has a heart and some of you found it.
Where will you be tomorrow? Not with her but I will take a guess that you would be around your mailbox to accept her check. You have no idea what she goes through with these sessions. NONE! She is child like in her fear. Do ant [sic] of you care? Will you lose sleep? And Sam, you missed her call. Convenient? Why this board is still open , other then her love for G is beyond me. She needs her hand held, she needs a hug. Are any of you there? NO Stop posing people. Let her go. Loretta has moved on, why can't the rest of you?
~NotADentist 03.26.07 - 12:18 am”

“Look, NotADentist, Whoever BG decides to bestow gifts upon is none of your damned business. What? Are you jealous? Okay, I admit I've been drinking for free at BG's bar for months, but don't you go assuming that I don't love and care for her very much, or that I don't appreciate every fabulous drink that's been served to me. How dare you? Now, you apologize, right now.”

removed real names by siteowner Edited By Siteowner
Anonymous 03.26.07 - 12:33 am

Denise I'm so sick of you and trust me I'm not the only one who feels this way. How fucking dare you come on here and pretend to be BG's friend and we are only using her! How fucking dare you! You're the crazy bitch posting BG's personal life and real names on this site! We here to protect her and love her! You're here (though banned numerous times) because you're fucking obsessed with her! You wished her death remember? Yeah fucking right you love her. Eat shit Denise....EAT SHIT BITCH!” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 12:42 am

“By the fucking way Denise I missed her call because I caught a nap so I could stay up all night if that's what she needed. You're so fucking crazy pills can't help you!” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 12:46 am

“I think Denise blames this blog for the demise of her friendship with BG. I think she's thinking if this blog goes away, BG will have more time for her. Hey Denise, BG is hardly ever here. She's too busy. When she is here, it's a real treat, but it's rare. We have nothing to do with your relationship with BG.”
Anonymous 03.26.07 - 12:46 am

“There's no getting through to that crazy bitch. We're not the problem with her and BG SHE'S THE PROBLEM. Her obsession, control, lies and posting of real names etc is what caused their friendship to end. Thank God BG saw through Denise before it was too late unlike Anna who wasn't so lucky. Like now BG may be at least resting or hopefully asleep but I may need to call her and let her know Crazy skipped a dose. See Denise that girl is why I can't stand you!”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 12:53 am

“Oh she will love that Sam and by the way, good shoot at banning me. I was with her 16 years Sam. You? She needs someone tomorrow and I should be there. How dare you imply otherwise! You have no idea of what you speak. Gene, please take care of her and I never wished her death! Why she cares for you people I will never understand. G'NITE users!” ~NotADentist / Denise 03.26.07 - 1:01 am

“Can banned people still comment? 16 years wow. Is that how long it'll take for you to leave her alone and stop attacking her real friends?”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 1:04 am

“I'll be here babysitting the board...loverly..the phone is charged and waiting BG if you read this and want to call.” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 1:24 am

I watched the NotADentist/Samantha tussle for about an hour before turning in. When I logged on the following morning, I noticed an admin had edited NotADentist’s post by attaching “Denise” to the signature. It was one thing for Samantha to out Denise if that’s who she thought the person was, but it’s wrong for an admin to willfully expose any poster other than a monkey. Max was away and I seriously doubted Louise would do such a thing, so I checked the out clicks at Sitemeter, which confirmed that Shina Hart was responsible for the change.

Apparently, Shina deleted the 12:18 am post by NotADentist, sometime after Anonymous @ 12:33 am blockquoted it. However, Shina edited out names from the 12:33 am remarks as indicated in the actual post. With all these revisions, I was surprised to see a mistake that had been overlooked. A post following one of Shina’s had become merged with hers. I don’t know how that happens, but it has something to do with the way one blockquotes. In any event, I fixed it.

I was anxious to see Baby Girl’s reaction to the Denise scrimmage, especially after the Howard K. Stern analogy. Personally, I thought it was distasteful to criticize Denise, considering she had been a personal friend of Baby Girl’s. I rationalized that any differences they had were between the two of them and were none of my business. Furthermore, Denise seemed to care for BG and I didn’t perceive her comments as attacks. Nevertheless, Denise was banned from posting in early January 2007 for revealing personal information that was deleted in short order. Any subsequent posts with her nic were through an AOL IP.


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