Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mouze in the Houze - Part 2

“Here is what has me confused. Anita and Katie helped start this war with Loretta and no one can say that is not true. They were vicious on their board and added more than their 2 cent at the other places. Anita, you played a very big hand in what happened with Sam and if you are sincere, you will own it now. You too Katie. Why are either one of you here, knowing how BG feels about Low and her treatment of other's. I was a big fan of both of you at one time. I don't know either of you now. This is not about doing what you had to do to get your blogs taken down, it is this 180 you both are doing that has me wondering. What about all the advice you gave us Katie about never trusting Loretta. You wrote page after page on her evils and how she needed medical treatment and was dangerous. Anita and Katie, you both need to own up to the Samantha debacle and it won't hurt me to never see either of your posts again. I am sick of this whole mess. If you truly care about those of left here, you would leave and never come back. Thank You BG and Admin. Delete if you need. C.L.”
Stunned! 11.12.06 - 4:31 pm

“I am so upset and hurt that my hands are shaking. I hope Anita and Katie remember the e-mails that flew back and forth pushing Sam and then leaving her after she had done their dirty work. I was on that list and to see this talk of moving on and living better. It is such hypocritical nonsense. Baby Girl, I enjoy you very much. You seem to be a strong, caring woman so I can't for the life of me understand why you are letting this go on. Anita and Katie, you are both more hypocritical than Loretta will ever be. At least with Serrano, you knew who and what you were dealing with. I am sorry I ever knew either one of you. And I am sorry for the part I played in what was done to Samantha. At the time I thought my hands were clean because my part was reading the e-mail but now I see how dirty I really was. Samantha, please forgive me. Anita and Katie, your karma will never be clean until you both do the right thing and you both know it. That is all I have left to say Admin. Thank you.” ~Stunned! 11.12.06 - 4:51 pm

As a rookie, and not having been a member of any email group, I was taken aback by the simultaneous disputes that erupted subsequent to the demolition of the “spite” blogs. As tension permeated The Pound, allegations flew left and right, which I think most of us were incapable of assimilating. I had no idea if the accusations put forth by “Stunned” were valid, but he/she seemingly had grievances that needed to be sorted through.

I was in total shock over Eliza’s scathing response to “Stunned” and was mystified by her implication that Baby Girl had authored those comments. In turn, I offered what I considered to be a sensible proposal that could potentially resolve whatever was tormenting “Stunned”. The notion that Eliza could have been right on the money never entered my mind!

"Stunned - what you are writing is bullshit and you know it. What's wrong, you don't have Loretta to beat up? Your blog is going to fall apart because now there's nothing to talk about? Don't think I don't see through you. Only one person I know of would be saying what you are saying. I know you won't delete your own posts. Can't you just let it go? Move on? Anita and Katie aren't in bed with Loretta for crying out loud! ~Eliza 11.12.06 - 5:16 pm"

“I'm sorry to say I do not agree with you here, Eliza. I could be wrong, but it appears to me that Stunned has been hurt by Anita and/or Katie. I don't think that Stunned means to imply that either of them are in bed with Loretta. Therefore, I find your jumping to conclusions is part of the problem and not the solution.

Personally, I think Stunned's feelings are as important as anyone else’s and so I would suggest a form of arbitration in an attempt to resolve the matter. That could be achieved by nominating a mediator who would be willing to work with both parties in the hopes of reaching either a peaceful solution or simply clear the air. Naturally both parties would have to approve of the intermediary who would hopefully handle the task with impartiality and utmost confidentiality. It's a suggestion I hope Stunned would approve of.” ~Mrs V 11.12.06 - 6:11 pm

“Stunned” did not acknowledge the suggestion, but those that had been discredited responded with grace under pressure.

“Stunned, I have offered, asked and cajoled anyone who has an issue with me to write me an email to resolve it. At this point only one person has taken me up on that offer.” ~Anita Richm*n 11.12.06 - 6:25 pm

“just want to say that I'm not hurt or upset by Stunned's feelings. What occured here happened very fast and unexpectedly, at least to me. But that is how things sometimes shift for a very quick and unexpected manner. In many areas of my life. It is hard to comprehend if one doesn't experience change that way. I have no grievance with Samantha now and have not for some time. Samantha knows this and if anyone else has issues with me that they need to resolve I am totally open to that.” ~katiecool*dy 11.12.06 - 6:30 pm

Fox cartoon time...

“Frankly, I'm stunned at this whole are more than a few of us. Take that anyway you want. I'm not going to fight my own crowd. Again, this is The Pound. Stunned had as much right to speak as anyone else. As far as I can tell, no one was banned today (we have Max tied down) and everyone that wanted to comment has. If I sound a bit cranky, it's because this shit is cutting into my Fox cartoon time...sorry for being snippy. But you have to admit, this has went straight to hell in a hand basket! It's just strange at this point!” ~Baby Girl 11.12.06 - 8:19 pm

“Uhhhhhhh, okaaaaaaaay. My question was very plainly directed at "stunned" who has shown no desire to "let it go". I felt bad for her and din't want her to feel ignored in her day long rant. (okay that was a lie, but still.......) I find it curious BG, that ALL the Bullshit flyin' around this joint today and you feel it's necessary to call me out? I have no intentions of apologising to "stunned" or bad mouthing Sam-that gig is so over. Never had no hate on for Sam. Nope. Never. Meant no disrespect to you at all BG, as I was not speaking to you. Are you still taking questions?” ~It's me, Closet 11.12.06 - 8:30 pm

“This is what I replied to Eliza”

”Your blog is going to fall apart because now there's nothing to talk about? Don't think I don't see through you. Only one person I know of would be saying what you are saying. I know you won't delete your own posts.”

“This is MY blog and rather it get's one hit a day or a hundred, I'm fine with it. What are you seeing through considering only MY admins can delete posts...I am dingy Eliza but I'm not stupid. Either you think I or my crew are someone else...we are who we are. And as far as I know, all our ankles are fine. If someone is injured, that's just wrong.” ~Baby Girl 11.12.06 - 8:42 pm

I believe I was the last participant to enter chat later that night. Upon my arrival I was greeted with, “Baby Girl is stunned.” To which I queried, “Stunned about what?” That's when I learned Baby Girl was actually "Stunned", the poster.
The joke was on me!

Eliza knew exactly what she was talking about. I couldn't think of anything dignified to say other than BG sure had me fooled. I didn't question why BG did it even though I felt it was an absurd gesture. In retrospect, I would emphasize that if things were going “straight to hell in a hand basket” it was due in large part to the blog owner’s insidious charade.

Frick and Frack had their own opinions:

“I think if people can't respect the one rule this joint has not to eat our own, then it's high time these troublemakers are called out on the rug. Maybe then people will understand where others are coming from with their replies to the attacks.” ~DJ Sooner (Shina) 11.13.06 - 1:29 am

“I'm so sick of the two faced bullshit I could puke! Either way is okay with me.”
Baby Girl 11.13.06 - 1:52 am

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts… ~William Shakespeare

And so The Pound stage was set with tacit approval of casting aspersions on anyone considered a troublemaker without substantiation, in typical Loretta fashion, under the direction of Francesca aka “Stunned” Baby Girl.

Reactions were diverse, but there was one bright spot in the midst of the sludge...

“I was once one of Loretta's strongest supporters, but all for naught. I've learned my lesson since. I harbour no hard feelings for anyone here nor at misfits. It has been a comfort not to be a part of any of this for so long. I wish all involved, here and misfits, good luck, good health and positive thoughts.”
Ponder 11.13.06 - 2:57 pm

madisonmutt had her own unique observations...

“To be fair, there are several different "email groups" if you want to call it that. There certainly are posters here that I exchange email with because we've connected on some level or another. What makes it wrong to have a group of folks who share emails? Especially if you're one of those anonys who didn't want your contact info out there - that doesn't mean anyone excluded you, just that you didn't get the memo. That is a dead argument as far as I'm concerned. It's not like anyone here joined the club with the promise of receiving every email exchanged by anyone in the group. That's what friends do. They exchange emails. And that's what people working together to run a board (or a series or boards) do. They exchange email.

How about picking something really worthy of being pissed off about? Like the millions of dollars squandered on stupid research every year or the fact that Scott Peterson will still be breathing this Christmas or ... ya know??”
madisonmutt 11.14.06 - 12:34 pm

”dollars squandered on stupid research”?

U.S. Research Funding Continues to Flatten
as U.S. Health Costs Climb

"The article specifically mentioned that the 5.5 cents spent on research in 2006 for every dollar spent on health care in 2006 was the smallest ratio of money spent on research since 2001."

“I finally realized what it means to eat our own. It means insulting, humiliating, or embarrassing a fellow mutt by making alleged disputes public. When one puts their individual desire or need for justice at a greater level of importance than the overall good of the group they are eating their own. I wish you all would take this private.” ~Anonymous 11.14.06 - 2:31 pm

“Goodbye everyone. I'm sorry to say this won't my second home anymore. Like some others, I don't think I'll ever find peace in this kind of contentious environment. Some evidently have deep hurts that I know nothing about. What I DO know is that I won't be part of the anger anymore. Heck, if I want negativity, I'll go visit my mother-in-law. Take care. I hope you can find peace and reconciliation with each other. Oh, and thanks for the many laughs!!”
Ntegrity 11.14.06 - 3:15 pm

Apparently Shina ’s negativity trumps that of Ntegrity’s mother-in-law, considering Ntegrity is a current cheerleader at The Pound.

“This is what I am not understanding. For a year I have read on these Blogs that everyone wanted Loretta to take responsibility and admit her actions. To not evade them, lie about them or minimize them. Everyone wanted Loretta to admit the truth. That was the justification for the blogs, to point out her lies and actions.

Shouldnt those who made those demands be willing to deliver what they expected of Loretta? Who had a right to demand from Loretta what they are not or were not willing to deliver themselves? People should not have to be "outed" IMO. They should infact out themselves of they crossed the line.”
lurkylu 11.14.06 - 10:45 pm

“You're damn right! Or else they really are hypocritical mutts.”
Anonymous 11.14.06 - 10:47 pm

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