Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Say What? - Part 2

“I'm up if you can call... Gawd how we missed you woman!” ~Baby Girl 04.18.07 - 1:09 am

I'm beginning to think
"missed" is BG's third favorite word. Didn't Shina say she posted Steve's video to the front page as requested a few hours ago?

“What myspace blunder? I just finished tweaking your page, hope you like it. I'm not sure what time you left the message for me to call so I'm hesitate to call now. If you're still up and read this oh I don't before 3am call me or post something and I'll call you.”
Samantha 04.18.07 - 2:38 am

“I'm up...call woman, call!”
Baby Girl 04.18.07 - 2:44 am

“I've called your home and cell number and both are going to voicemail. I'm going to email you a number to call me on.” ~Samantha 04.18.07 - 3:08 am

Hello, welcome to the mental health hotline.
If you have obsessive compulsive disorder, press 1 repeatedly.

“I don't understand the you owe me attitude some people have. Don't get me wrong I believe in helping your fellow man especially family, but I don't believe in helping those that feel the world owes them something. Michael's crackhead brother broke me on just handing the shirt off my back to anyone who asked for it. Fuck anyone who demands it.” ~Samantha 04.19.07 - 1:37 am

Shina's third favorite word must be "crack" and all its derivatives.

“I know all about the "you owe me" stuff from my family. According to them, they should be living just as well as I am, at my expense of course and man are they pissed that I want no part of it...the hell and embarrassment with them never ends...the stories I could tell...sheese” ~Baby Girl 04.19.07 - 2:02 am

Note: "Treat people the way you'd like to be treated" doesn't apply to family apparently.

“Are you still up BG? Call me I emailed you last night if you are. Stalker boy is asking for it!” ~Samantha 04.19.07 - 3:55 am

If you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.

“Oh geeze the typos. I was trying to type call me on the phone number I emailed you last night if you're still awake BG.” ~Samantha 04.19.07 - 3:57 am

If you have short term memory loss, please try your call again in a few minutes.

“Hello, anony and messy. Well actually hello to anyone who's reading.”
madisonmutt 04.22.07 - 10:37 pm

“WOW! MM you're a blast from past! So good to see you around here again! I love reading your comments because you're always so calm, cool and collected. Welcome back friend!” ~Samantha 04.23.07 - 5:31 pm

Evidently Shina is over her adverse reaction to...

“sammie - u can ignore dat email i sent you bout the T chick... problem resolved. many t'anks do. lmao... it be hard to type in accent huh? ~anony4damoment 02.07.07 - 12:05 am"

If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's and grandmother's maiden names.

“awww shucks, Sammy. I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.”
madisonmutt 04.23.07 - 8:25 pm

“Vergie better not make me open a can of whoop azz on her for interferring in parental relationships. Grrrrr, don't go there grandma-from-hell!”
anony4damoment 04.24.07 - 2:33 pm

“Unfortuately, anony4da, whoop azz doesn't work in grandmas from hell.”
madisonmutt 04.24.07 - 3:14 pm

That’s madisonmutt talking to herself in case you didn’t notice!

If you have multiple personality syndrome, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

“MadisonMutt to see you posting again is just AWESOME! I can't get over it. I've always respected you for as I said your ease at being calm cool and collected.

For anybody that wants to read, my blog is re-opened. I doubt you'll recognize it or me, lots of good things going on in my life. http://chrishina.blogspot.com I am uninstalling the site meters on it because I never login to those anyway but mainly because people deserve to surf the web with privacy.”
Chrishina 04.26.07 - 6:32 pm

If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transfered to the mothership.

“That woman over there and I will never never never never be friends. If that's negative to some oh well, but to me it's very positive. I have no ill feelings toward her or anybody anymore but that doesn't mean I'll be having tea with them at any point in my life either.” ~Chrishina 04.27.07 - 7:52 pm

If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep. Or before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

“Oh and yeah Chrishina is Sammy. Legal name Chrishina, real life nick Shina online nick Samantha, Sam and Sammy. Even I get confused.”
Chrishina 04.27.07 - 7:54 pm

“How do you like my new name? I used to go by Anonymous. Maybe I should use Stacy Shalmers. That was the name I wish I given at birth about twenty years ago. Stacy Shalmers sounds kind of porn starish. I think Blockquote fits me, now.”
Blockquote 04.28.07 - 12:16 am

“I think I really like Blockquote. Or maybe Bloquotessa Or maybe Ms Block. Or how about Queen Blockquote? Better yet, Contessa Blockquotessa?”
Contessa Blockqotessa 04.28.07 - 1:56 am

"Dear Admin, could you please correct my mistake?"
Contessa Blockquotessa 04.28.07 - 2:07 am

“Contessa Blockquotessa your block was fixed and no you're not the only one laughing at your jokes.” ~Admin 04.28.07 - 3:17 am

If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.

I don't recall the exact day Max relayed the message to Louise and me in chat. He said he had received an email from Shina informing him that the password to Haloscan had been changed, not because there was a breach in confidence, but by virtue of the fact BG wanted something easier to remember. That struck me as odd because I couldn’t imagine anything more uncomplicated than what was already in place. In addition, Max was advised that any future admins would require unanimous approval from Baby Girl, Shina, and himself. The second part of the dictum came as a complete surprise as it confirmed the decision was calculated and failure to notify Louise or myself was not an oversight. Clearly, Max was relegated to do the dirty work.

The three of us were at a loss to understand what may have influenced the new rules. To my knowledge neither Louise nor myself ever had an angry word with BG, therefore we concluded that Shina’s involvement played a big part. The fact that Shina was ticked at me would account for my curt dismissal, but it didn’t explain why Louise was ostracized. It’s a point of contention that for all intents and purposes remains a mystery.

Since I was the new kid on the block, I didn’t know Francesca as well as the other admins. In fact, my appointment was impromptu. One day, out of the blue, BG christened me “Lola” announcing my association as a member of “the crew”. I NEVER requested the designation, I didn’t choose the name, and I avoided the inner workings of Haloscan for a stretch out of fear I might mess things up. At the time it didn’t matter because there were enough admins to handle the job. In fact, it was Mabel who gave me a quick tutorial on how to utilize the basic functions of Haloscan before she left for vacation.

On the other hand, Louise had been at The Pound from the beginning. She was a member of the original team BG claimed to be eternally grateful to for setting up the blog. Louise had participated in the Anna Nicole discussion as Patsy. In fact, when Louise responded to Mabel’s 4/3/07 email, she wrote, “It’s fun just hanging with friends at the blog.”

In reviewing the previous two months we made note of the fact that BG never again joined us in chat after my fallout with Shina. Text messages had been ignored during that time span yet Max still informed BG of his April departure date. In short, the blog owner's communication with the three of us had come to a screeching halt including the day that only Max was apprised of the changing of the guard.

I can unequivocally state that the password change was NOT an issue contrary to the ensuing scuttlebutt. It was most emphatically a case of “Treat people the way you'd like to be treated”, otherwise known as “manners and respect” relative to BG's very own "Sermon on the Mount". The buck undoubtedly stops with Baby Girl. I wrote to her expressing my surprise and disappointment at her lack of sensitivity. I had reasonable expectations that Francesca would react to my thoughts with some level of maturity. I couldn’t possibly have been more wrong. After reading through BG’s defensive and hostile response I concluded she wasn’t a straight shooter and that “Baby Girl” is indeed a most suitable nic for Francesca Franzese.


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