Sunday, September 2, 2007

Not a Dentist - Part 2

“Didn't hear from BG last night but I called this morning to let her know she has lots of people thinking of her today. I would like to say I hate that I lost my temper with Denise last night and showed my ass on the board. With that I'll be moving smartly along to other topics.”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 9:47 am

“Morning all! Sam...lost your temper?...that was calm if you ask me. BG-Best of luck.”
Anonymess 03.26.07 - 10:48 am

“BG - you're going to do fine at the dentist. All of us at the anony4da house are keeping you in special prayers.” ~anony4damoment 03.26.07 - 11:05 am

“I sent BG a text of the cause of death.”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 11:14 am

“I say we uncork the Don Peringnon and toast BG, who right now is sitting in the dentist's chair. Here's to BG.” ~Anonymous 03.26.07 - 11:28 am

“I'm hoping we hear from BG soon Anonymous. Maybe it's already over...crossing fingers.” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 11:33 am

“Baby G, I hope you are doing well, and your date with the dentist wasn't to traumatic.” ~WHAT! 03.26.07 - 7:32 pm

“Sorry to say no word on or from BG yet.”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 7:51 pm

“Michael is making it well known that he is hungry. I'm pretty sure he is trying to make that my problem...the nerve. I'll check back after I feed people.”
Samantha |03.26.07 - 8:28 pm

“Thank you all for your concern and thoughts. I'm okay, I only allowed them to poke around, fight me a little in the chair, do the x-rays and tell me I need a root canal asap.

As for this D shit, I'll handle her but I want all of you to remember this. None of you have to take shit from anyone. There is no Queen here. This place belongs to all of us. If anyone comes here talking smack to one or all of you, please, feel free to rip them a new one! None of you deserved to be spoken to like that and I will have a "chat" with her as soon as I can speak without slurring and seeing double.

D, the last chat we had will be remembered as a trip to Disney Land compared to the one coming! I warned you and by coming here and attacking these people, you have not only insulted me and pissed me off, I feel like you have spit in my face with the lie you told me that it wouldn't happen again. We will be "talking" soon. I think you know what to expect so don't make it worse with any bullshit!”
Baby Girl 03.26.07 - 9:04 pm

Wow! Not exactly what I expected, but at first blush I figured Denise (the one that “earned every dime she got” for dealing with BG), must have done something horrible to provoke such fury. Hindsight being 20/20, I now recognize the impetus could have been anything benign, such as… “I can only express my disappointment.”

“Gal-durn-it! Michael and his need to eat! And if eating wasn't enough I had to go with him to wal-mart too! I missed BabyGirl again, not to mention everybody else that was here too. I'm pouting, no really trust me. I know what will make me feel better though. $100.00 out of the can of whip ass that is awaiting D. Anybody want to trade places with her about now? Yeah me neither!”
Samantha 03.27.07 - 12:22 am

Apparently Shina's revenge quota wasn't quite full. I'm not certain what Denise did to Shina that deserved “whip ass”, but why would Shina feel gratified by abuse? My thoughts turned to December, when Denise rolled out the red carpet.


“Dearest Sammy, I'm so glad you're blogging have such the way with words, you nutty tramp you! I wanted to let you know that I went to pick up my Furs at storage the other day and decided from a entry at your blog that this winter will be Fur-Free. I had no idea and thank you for the heads up.

Honestly, it is in writing that if anything happens to me (knock wood) the boyz are to go to the Sammy house with funding not only for them but all the babies you love and protect. Not kidding you here. For insurance purposes I have to update my "info" aka will on a regular basis and I named you and the Hubby that Brubey is suppose to whack the knee's of as the boyz caretakers. FYI: Pig is a very needy indoors, in the bed with you type. Glad you're back kid!”
Baby Girl 12.04.06 - 9:05 pm

“You know I am your biggest fan and will always be here for you but I wanted to comment on the Sam post. I always thought the two of you seemed a lot alike with your kindness and your feistiness. There have been and still are great women here, I know how much you adored Anita and Katie. I remember the talks we had when you told me how funny they were but I always thought you and Sam were the most alike. I hope you can find a kindred spirit among the pound, you are a very special woman. I hope someday they will know all of what made you the person you are. I admit, I can't keep up with you but I and S will always be close by if you need anything. I wish all could come back together but if not, at least you and Sam have found a path back to each other.

Sam and everyone at the pound, you are lucky. I have put Francesca in many a position where I should have been dead to her but I know if I ever need her, she is there. I know she would not want this to turn into a BG lovefest so I will stop now and say welcome home Sam. Maybe the other's will return someday also. All my best, D. S still blushes when he is in front of F because of the garage IM. LOL!
I love you girl!" ~D 12.04.06 - 10:57 pm

"I know she would not want this to turn into a BG lovefest"
"Too late, it already is a BG lovefest."
Anonymous 12.04.06 - 11:02 pm

“Thank you Anony. I do not post much because I tend to ramble and gush but I can not imagine a day where I am not reading at the pound. You all are so interesting in your own personalities. May God walk with the father in the post above. Admin, I know you are on high alert with me so delete or edit as you see fit.” ~D 12.04.06 - 11:14 pm

“Hey D hope you're doing well. Thanks for the welcome home. It's good to be home again.” ~Sam 12.04.06 - 11:22 pm

“Hi Sam. I tend to tear up too while reading here. Mostly I am LOL but sometimes these ladies rip the guts completely out of one. As I said before, welcome home you BG clone. LOL” ~D 12.04.06 - 11:26 pm

“Samantha, I so BG's paper work so she is telling the truth with the will information. May I add, Little spoiled Fatboy is like velcro. A complete Momma's boy. Good luck if it becomes your place.” ~D 12.04.06 - 11:29 pm

“Just wow Anonymous...blown away here. Thanks! If anybody has a problem with me period my email is still shinahart at charter dot net. Out of respect for the pound crew take it to my email please and thanks.”
Sam 12.04.06 - 11:39 pm

“Sam, I know for sure you are at home with BG. You two are too much alike to stay apart. Besides, you are a fighter too. No one can make you leave and you have alot of fans here. Myself included.” ~D 12.04.06 - 11:45 pm

"Fans, there's only one star on this blog and her name is BG. I'm loving just being in the crowd with friends. My teeth are numb. Maybe I should slow down on the Martinis? Then again maybe not." ~Sam | 12.04.06 - 11:50 pm

“Drink up BG Jr. I think we are the only one's here at the moment. Bg wants nothing to do with being a star. See, there I go gabbing again with her personal information. Does anyone know who won the Carolina-Philly game? How is that crazy bird of your's I've heard so much about? I was told Boston gave you some bird tips. Did they help?" ~D 12.04.06 - 11:55 pm

"The Hitch man is doing great D. B was very helpful to say the least.
Hitch loves his papertowels lol. (snip)

Anonymous you're too kind. Thank you for your support and lovley words. (((Anonymous))). God love ya. All that is water under the bridge now and the slates are clean in my book. I love everybody well except for one or two crazy muthafluckers over there. Everybody else who has/had issues with me eh fuck it we live and learn." ~Sam |12.05.06 - 12:13 am

Obviously Denise was a big fan of Shina’s in December, so what changed in three months? To refresh your memory, it was around the time we were notified that Brutus was ailing and certain photos of Britney Spears were in circulation.

“Sending lots of prayers for Bru Bru. Whatz a matter fella? BG the cell is on.”
Sam 12.05.06 - 12:23 am

“WTF is up with Brit these days? Seeing her vajay jay was not the highlight of my year. No really I'm serious :gag:. Not only have I seen THAT but I've seen her c section scar and ass chaffing. Brit my God girl get a grip and some panties for Pete's sake!
Link removed by Admin. Photos are fake.
graphic and not safe for work.
Sam | 12.05.06 - 9:46 am

“Hi Sammy and crew! I'm here off an on.... when I can be!”
Mad Max | 12.05.06 - 10:34 am

“Excuse me ladies while I go bitch slap this girl I work with. BBL”
Anonymess | 12.05.06 - 11:00 am

UPDATE: I didn't even notice but in that first picture Paris is closing Britney's legs. You know you're this close to becoming a human condom when Paris Hilton is showing more sense than you. Usually you'd be better off taking advice from that guy who likes to take dumps in the subway. ~Quote from The Superficial.
“Toonces was right”
Sam | 12.05.06 - 4:44 pm

“Sorry to have worried you guys. Brute knows that at his age, I'll fall for any of his tricks. Should have seen the pitiful acting he did. Could barely eat his Jumbone until I let him on the sofa then it was party time! (Looked like he was on a freaking trampoline) Oh the day I've had...Goon, who by the way, has until Friday night to do his pole dance so he called every hour on the hour with a new bet...I'm saying no more bets until I see the booty spin!

Had two meetings back to back, of course, on opposite sides of town, went to pick out the new bar for here and ended up buying a new table and chair set for the nook and I look over and see two tree looking things and had to have those. Then, an eye appointment and back across town to buy new frames and a couple of boxes of contacts. Whew...and I still haven't figured out a way to ask the neighbors how they'd feel about the come shots. Gonna get the boyz settled, back in a few loverlies!” ~D 12.05.06 - 6:23 pm


“Sorry again, was also e-mailing D that Brute is doing fine. Sheese...Thank Gawd I didn't put her actual screen name on there! (admin, leave it that way...wanna hear that call when she swears she didn't write it...snort!) back in a few.”
Baby Girl 12.05.06 - 6:28 pm

"Pitiful acting" must run in the family! Snort!

“After a very careful forensic examination of the photos of Britney Spears, purportedly not wearing undies, I determined the alleged photos were fake. The link was removed.” ~Admin | 12.05.06 - 7:11 pm

“If you enlarge the appropriate "parts" of the photos, you can see where the non Britney "parts" were pasted in. When viewed in their posted size, they do look real. I am sure Britney's appropriate "handlers" are aware of the photos. I don't care who you are (except maybe....) nobody deserves that kind of treatment.”
Admin | 12.05.06 - 7:38 pm

“Admin removed the link because they said the photos were fake. I thought that was strange because every other site says they're real.”
Sam | 12.06.06 - 8:51 pm

“Any first grader can examine the main photo and tell it has been altered. The alterations in the others are more subtle but the artifacts of alteration are still there. If you would like, I will email you a copy showing the added in portion.”
Admin | 12.06.06 - 9:03 pm

“Honestly Admin I couldn't give a shit.”
Sam | 12.06.06 - 9:09 pm

“Nor could I Sam! I don't think any one here would like to see "it" enlarged 600 percent. When you do, it is obvious. Nuff said.....”
Admin | 12.06.06 - 9:13 pm

“I'll see yall later.”
Sam |12.06.06 - 9:19 pm

“Oh...did I miss anything other than being at lunch when a certain Admin text'd me and ask permission to kill the Brit Brit birthing area chat? (BTW, Thanks for that image Admin! Thank you soooo much)” ~Baby Girl | 12.07.06 - 8:08 pm

“Sorry BG but "it" was spoiling my lunch too!”
Admin | 12.07.06 - 8:20 pm

“I wish all the posters and readers here knew that you guys take as much care of them as you do me...without you guys, The Pound would die. What a sad thought after all the work all of you have put into this...esp the beginning when almost everyday you had bullshit breaking out all over the place. I "hearty" all the crew, the posters and the still timid readers who visit everyday.”
Baby Girl |12.07.06 - 9:23 pm

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