Friday, September 28, 2007

Got Mail?

There really isn’t much to say about Baby Girls’s second email other than it appears to have been written by an enraged, awkward, unsophisticated juvenile. The type that integrates the “F” word into every sentence because it makes them feel like a big shot, which compensates for the fact they don’t have the ability to expand their vocabulary beyond primitive words. The “F” word can also be flamboyant at times and may be cathartic to Baby Girl, but it truly underscores chronic ignorance when used as a verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, and interjection in the same communiqué.

Having witnessed Francesca talk smack on several occasions, I considered it part of her theatrical repertoire. I had no idea whether or not her “dumb act” was, in fact, just an act. There were times I noticed she was reflective in her thoughts and comments as well. I recall an instance when she wrote about how much she missed her mom.

Any admin will tell you that chaos reigned every time BG participated in chat. She didn’t seem to know who was who and addressed folks by the wrong nics. I had to constantly scroll back in an effort to interpret what and whom she was talking about. When you have more than three people typing, words can easily be taken out of context. I thought that might have been a possibility when BG brought the “goon thing” up in her vague missive so I wrote to Max asking if he had any idea what she was referring to.

Subject: Good morning!
Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 14:40:20

“I realize that you have other pressing matters now, but there's a dark cloud in the horizon that I would like to speak to you about... namely, Baby Girl.

Just to be sure that you and I are on the same page, let me say that when something bothers me I prefer to face it head-on in order to gain a clear understanding of the circumstances involved. It's the only way I am able to analyze the situation and arrive at a conclusion. I do not beat around the bush, I do not make unsubstantiated accusations, and I refuse to subscribe to vicious gossip. I think you know this. Having said that, I recognize that I am not perfect and make my share of unintentional mistakes just like every other human being. However, given the opportunity, I am more than willing to claim ownership of those errors and rectify them when necessary in order to clear the air.

I know you can attest to the fact that I have not elaborated on any of the details concerning my feelings toward Shina, other than informing you that I had lost trust in her. Since the fallout with Shina, I have sensed the "deep freeze" from Baby Girl. Whether it was real or imagined remained to be seen. I responded to Baby Girl's email laying my cards out on the table hoping to reveal a reason for her attitude toward me. What I got back was a blockbuster! The hostility is palpable in each and every word, which validates any suspicions I had about the "deep freeze". There are two references in her staggering response that I find unsettling aside from all the "Fuck you" declarations.

1. "First Miss Know it you have a clue how many "private" chats I was not included in but were forwarded to me the next day that was to say the least, unflattering to me...and yes, you were right in there. I believe one of your fav's was rather the Goon thing was real among other choice words (again, none of your business!)....remember? I saw them all and I sat back and let it go. I thought so what, I'm not her kind of person, no biggie, her choice. Two way street indeed, find anything or anyone I ever spoke a bad word about you to...I will pay you if you can find one! This is about Sam and you're taking me into it and we both know fucking cut and dried is that for you?"

2. "Surrrrrrrrree...I'll wait and see how long it takes you to go all Loretta on my ass...I'm ųure you've already sent out the "BG is bad news" news letter. Man, did I misjudge you! But, I was warned so my bad. Whatever! Shit happens, right? Go for it, have fun and enjoy!

I don't think I need to tell you how absolutely shocked I am to read this. It's obvious to me that her bitterness did not happen overnight. It had to be brewing for some time and I'm at a loss to understand why. I have no clue as to who warned her about me nor what she was warned about. To the best of my recollection, I have never participated in a conversation that was unflattering to Baby Girl nor have I said anything about her in a chat session that I wouldn't repeat to her face. I most assuredly do not know anything about "the goon" to even mention him in passing. Those chat transcripts will show that I held Baby Girl in high regard in spite of her craziness, which I stated in IM.

I will gladly forward the latest emails for your review, but first I ask that you search your memory for anything that I may have said in chat that could possibly be misconstrued. While I don't expect you to betray a confidence I would like to know if you can shed some light on this.

I always thought Baby Girl was the type of person to confront someone she had issues with. She had me fooled in that respect. Speaking of respect, I lost all that I had for her due to the most recent exchange. I do not buy "That's just Baby Girl" anymore.

I'm probably more disappointed in myself for being such a poor judge of character, which is why I request your help in making sense of it all. Sorry to bother you while you are busy, but perhaps you could give it some thought while you're there.”

Neither Max nor Louise recalled anything I said that could be considered discourteous toward Baby Girl. Nothing, Nada, Zilch, Zip! I challenge Francesca to bring on the purported “unflattering” “goon thing” transcript!

As far as I was concerned, Francesca’s preposterous diatribe was the end of it. I certainly wasn’t prepared for the dramatic production that would ensue when Chrishina Leann Hart involved herself, yet again, in something that wasn’t directed at her.

Subject: Hi Folks it's Sam

"Dear JA, Mr. G and Patsy,
(please copy this to Patsy I can't find her email address..thanks!)

I have been informed of an issue between the admins and BG. Normally I wouldn't feel the need to email you about such but it's been implied I have a misguided grudge. Since I have no idea who or what this "misguided grudge" is suppose to be and your names were mentioned in the same breath I'm writing this email to all of you with the exception of Lola. I won't email her. Why will be explained below.

First of all I heart you people. I understand our lives have changed and in some cases that changed our commutationtechniques as well. Even if we don't email or call like we used to doesn't mean I stopped caring about you. In my heart over the years we've formed bonds that I cherish. But I should have realized something was up when I got that out of the blue email from JA explaining herself. I thought something was up then but when I heard nothing else of it I let it go after I replied and wished her well. She knows I love her and I know she loves me regardless of where or what she's doing in her life now.

So today when I was informed Lola is highly pissed at BG for changing the passwords at the pound, not notifying her of whom she wished to contact first about the pound, or anything else she has done without her guidance at the pound pretty much I was a little taken aback. Before I go there let me say this....As you may or may not know I couldn't handle Lola's strong personality to say the least and I peacefully ended our friendship some months ago. That didn't mean I was mad at her, wished her ill will, or even spoke poorly of her to any of you. Actually I didn't even tell BG about Lola and I until after BG's first email from her. When I said yup that's Lola for ya and then explained my statement. I was just done trying to make a friendship work that just wouldn't plain and simple. I really liked Lola's principles and still admire that in her. But when she makes assumptions about me having a misguided grudge and implies I had a hand in some changes that were made it reminds me why I can't be friends with her. So let me set the record straight please.

You all know and have known that I had the passwords to the Pound for a few months now right? I don't sign in unless something is broke and nobody else is around. Also did you know I didn't want or need the passwords? Not once did I ask for them but when I was told keep these safe for a rainy day I did just that. I appreciated the fact that everybody trusted me again and realized giving me the passwords was a kind gesture of your trust in me. Grateful was an understatement of how that felt. But I had no idea some people were still wondering (or figuring out) if I had access or not....then again some folks haven't been around as much so I guess it's possible.

Even having the passwords at the pound I was still not a full fledge admin so to speak. I was a back up admin and that was and still is just fine with me. I don't make the decisons at the pound that has always been up to you guys and BG. So why now is it being implied I helped make the descions to lock Patsy, JA and Lola out of the pound? Because I had nothing to do with that decison. I was asked to change the passwords and email Mr. G the new ones asking him not to share them unless talking to BG first. Since it's her blog and it was 3 o'clock in the morning I didn't ask questions and assumed she would if she wanted to explain later. Later she told me something was on the blog she wanted deleted and Mr G was out of town and nobody else was around anymore so she wanted access for such occasions but it had to be an easy for her to remember password. She also said there was no sense in emailing the new ones to JA, Lola or Patsy because you guys were gone now. Since you folks were so guite (several times I came on and blockquotes weren't fixed hours later, 800 comments no new entry etc) BG wasn't alone in thinking nobody was around anymore. I knew JA was gone, that Patsy was not feeling well (hope you're feeling better) to me it made sense too. Since JA left the passwords were changed and she wasn't emailed the new ones and I don't recall a blasting email to BG from her but she is Just Amazing. I do know for a fact BG didn't do it intentionally to hurt anybody. I do sympathize if you were all still around daily and one day out of the blue found yourself locked out with no explanation. I can't imagine how that must of felt. But to assume it was done out of spite or what have you and to act on that assumption so hatefully was uncalled for in my opinion. Still fact of the matter is I had nothing to do with locking or changing anything and I wanted you all to know that in case you were told different, not that you were just if you were.

Also yes I did put Denise's name on her posts. Anyone is free to sympathize with that whack o' all they want but the bitch implied Mr G and myself were conning BG out of money so yeah I took it personally and acted accordingly. Her first post was nice enough unless like me you think adding BG's real life friends names was uncalled for on her part. (please God say I kept proof of that sure as the world I'll need it) You've all dealt with Denise in the middle of the night and since I'm not as tactful (reason I'm a backup admin) as you I didn't act in the best interest of the pound. So I apologized to the Pound the next day and it was done or so I thought until Lola's email. I had no idea I was still being judged so harshly sheesh!

Truthfully I think it was a miscommutation that is snow balling its way to hell. Anyway that's my side of the story. If you think I would intentionally hurt any of you folks please think again. Maybe someone doing the shouting has a misguided grudge?

Shina, Chrishina, Samantha, Sam, Sammy, add another insult here as you see fit

PS If you sense anger in my words it's not toward any of you. If any of you are angry with me my email is always open for us to talk. With the exceptation of Lola I have nothing to say to her...nothing."

ROFL! It’s a giant leap from "I can only express my disappointment" to "highly pissed" by any standards. I have a visual image of everyone’s eyes glazing over trying to figure out what the hell she’s talking about concerning Denise, the one who earned every dime she got dealing with BG and her crazy shit! They most likely had the same expression while attempting to decipher “commutation techniques” and “miscommutation” and "exceptation". Snort!

Anyway, Mabel replied that she wasn’t aware of any issues between Baby Girl and myself. The only problem she knew of was between Shina and me and that’s because we both had mentioned it in a passing way. Mabel told Shina it was completely unfair to get her involved in personal issues with people she cares about.

“I also have not shared information about BG with anyone! What the hell! BG has told people what she wants them to know about her and that’s good enough for me. I am very disappointed to think that even after I have extricated myself from the mess I still get pulled into it.”

"My last phone call with BG was when she called to ask me for the passwords and I didn’t know them. She also made reference to the fact (in an earlier call) that I was not coming around because I was worried about the Goon! Geez. That is nonsense. Actually I thought maybe BG was testing me or something because I haven’t been in contact with everyone very much so I sent an email to everyone after the phone cut off and we were disconnected.”
Mabel was genuinely pissed at being ambiguously dragged into arguments between her friends, which she had nothing in the world to do with!

Subject: Re: Hi Folks it's Sam

"JA Said: Right now I simply don't have the time and it's completely unfair to get me involved in personal issues with people who I care about! Freakin' Ditto Baby!-Shina

" I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I told BG last night on the phone that my opinion of the Lola emails are this: JA, Mr G and Patsy prolly mentioned to Lola that BG did this or did that or didn't do that but not in a hateful HOW DARE SHE kinda way and Lola took it upon herself to write BG in a HOW FUCKING DARE YOU KINDA WAY without them even knowing it. I knew in my heart of hearts that no way in hell did all of you turn on BG and appoint Lola freakin' way. If that had been the case I don't think I could've handled it.

JA honest to God Lola and Patsy hadn't been around posting or emailing in so long beside an occassional Hi post at the pound I too thought they had moved on or where just busy with real life. BG even said to Lola in a post "you've been missed" and Lola didn't reply to her but she sure as hell threw it in her face that BG addressed her on the blog over a month ago to prove she was still around. Something else in those emails that are distrubing the hell out me. Lola guoted a poster talking to an admin about fixing some blockquotes and coming out to play...she implied the poster was talking to her when in fact I was the admin who fixed those blockquotes and responded to that poster! I have never known Lola to bald face lie but she did about that and Mr G or anyone else can look at the IP of that Admin and see it was in fact me that night.

Something else JA I haven't told anyone in detail why I stopped speaking to Lola. I said strong personaity to be kind because the rest of you all love Lola and I respect your friendship with her. But to hear she still has a problem with me is unnerving really. The problems if you want to call them that I nicely but firmly stated in an email to her and wished her well. When her snarky reply arrived in my inbox I read it and deleted it without replying. I didn't want to fight with her because she was a person I respected and wanted to leave it that way. Maybe that was wrong on my part? Because according to her email to BG I have a misguided grudge? Like I said in my last email I don't have a grudge and didn't even mention my descion to end the friendship with Lola to BG and BG and I speak on the phone for hours at least three times a week. If I had a grudge don't ya think BG would at least know about it? The most I've said to anyone about Lola was in these emails since her attack on BG.

All I know about the password situation is what I've already said. But I would like to add since you reminded of it JA that BG in fact said "if Lola, JA and Louise come back then they can the passwords again". It boils down to some people aren't happy unless their causing problems with and in this case FOR others.

I have no idea if Patsy even knows this mess is going down because her email isn't listed. I don't have it since I change email accounts like I do haircolor...damn. I'm just thankful to know you (JA) (and hopely Mr G and Patsy!) aren't pissed off at anyone! I heart you and if something like a misunderstanding came between us I would just die.

With love,
Shina Hart"

Puhleeze! If Shina and Francesca measure participation at The Pound by the frequency of a person’s posts, then how did they conclude Max was “still around” when his last comments prior to 4/17/07 dated back to January?

Mad Max 01.07.07 – 10:30 pm

And what about Patsy’s “occasional” remarks?

Patsy 03.19.07 - 12:41 am, Patsy 03.24.07 - 11:58 pm, Patsy 03.25.07 - 12:01 am. Patsy 03.25.07 - 12:05 am. Patsy 03.26.07 - 8:07 pm. Patsy 03.26.07 - 9:11 pm. Patsy 03.30.07 - 10:57 am. Patsy 04.19.07 - 7:25 pm. Patsy 04.19.07 - 7:26 pm. Patsy 04.19.07 - 7:27 pm

Who did Fran Fran think she was addressing when she wrote the following?

“Agree or disagree this place rocks! I love how everyone looks out for the other. Good luck with the evil dentist BG, Nice to see you back Pats! I hate that BG is scared and hurting but I like seeing some old pals back. Pats you were missed deeply. Love the picture of Jessie on the front page. (((Admin))))”
AnotherMous 03.25.07 - 1:11 am

And Shina?

Hi Patsy! I blame Howie because he was her "husband, best friend, drug dealer and lawyer". But knowing Kris prescribed the outdated sleep med confirms my thoughts about she and Howard being partners in crime.”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 8:10 pm

Geeze Louise, this isn’t rocket science! As outlined in the "Summer Tutoring" entry on BHOS, Haloscan identifies the author of posts by their respective IP. The program doesn't tell you who visited the site. That job is left up to StatCounter, which Shina did NOT have access to. Haloscan doesn't keep track of who edits posts or even when they are revised. Admins have no way of knowing who posters are referring to when they express appreciation for fixing their mistakes. Miss "Technoodle" should know this! Furthermore, unless Baby Girl requested that someone do a new entry, she was responsible for composing them!

Borrowing a phrase from Jackie Peterson… “Even Scott isn’t that stupid!”

Mabel wrote that she hadn’t visited The Pound since December. She was under the impression the password had been changed long ago and didn’t worry about retrieving the old information when her computer crashed in January. She reiterated how she is committed to family and her work on the Cam Brown case. Mabel had completed renovations on her home office. She built the cabinets by herself and the results are awesome as confirmed by photos.

Mabel is a very busy and productive lady!


”By the time my computer broke and I realized there was life away from the blog, I was just too happy about that to even want to go back to see my teeth knocked out again.”

“Also, BG called and mentioned something to me that made me think she thought I was afraid of the goon or something. Couldn’t be further from the truth! I really love what BG has been to all of us and the Pound. I’d hate to see anyone change.”

Note: GoombahsInc was a recipient of all the correspondence.
GoombahsInc sent copies of my email to Mabel.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mouze in the Houze - Part 2

“Here is what has me confused. Anita and Katie helped start this war with Loretta and no one can say that is not true. They were vicious on their board and added more than their 2 cent at the other places. Anita, you played a very big hand in what happened with Sam and if you are sincere, you will own it now. You too Katie. Why are either one of you here, knowing how BG feels about Low and her treatment of other's. I was a big fan of both of you at one time. I don't know either of you now. This is not about doing what you had to do to get your blogs taken down, it is this 180 you both are doing that has me wondering. What about all the advice you gave us Katie about never trusting Loretta. You wrote page after page on her evils and how she needed medical treatment and was dangerous. Anita and Katie, you both need to own up to the Samantha debacle and it won't hurt me to never see either of your posts again. I am sick of this whole mess. If you truly care about those of left here, you would leave and never come back. Thank You BG and Admin. Delete if you need. C.L.”
Stunned! 11.12.06 - 4:31 pm

“I am so upset and hurt that my hands are shaking. I hope Anita and Katie remember the e-mails that flew back and forth pushing Sam and then leaving her after she had done their dirty work. I was on that list and to see this talk of moving on and living better. It is such hypocritical nonsense. Baby Girl, I enjoy you very much. You seem to be a strong, caring woman so I can't for the life of me understand why you are letting this go on. Anita and Katie, you are both more hypocritical than Loretta will ever be. At least with Serrano, you knew who and what you were dealing with. I am sorry I ever knew either one of you. And I am sorry for the part I played in what was done to Samantha. At the time I thought my hands were clean because my part was reading the e-mail but now I see how dirty I really was. Samantha, please forgive me. Anita and Katie, your karma will never be clean until you both do the right thing and you both know it. That is all I have left to say Admin. Thank you.” ~Stunned! 11.12.06 - 4:51 pm

As a rookie, and not having been a member of any email group, I was taken aback by the simultaneous disputes that erupted subsequent to the demolition of the “spite” blogs. As tension permeated The Pound, allegations flew left and right, which I think most of us were incapable of assimilating. I had no idea if the accusations put forth by “Stunned” were valid, but he/she seemingly had grievances that needed to be sorted through.

I was in total shock over Eliza’s scathing response to “Stunned” and was mystified by her implication that Baby Girl had authored those comments. In turn, I offered what I considered to be a sensible proposal that could potentially resolve whatever was tormenting “Stunned”. The notion that Eliza could have been right on the money never entered my mind!

"Stunned - what you are writing is bullshit and you know it. What's wrong, you don't have Loretta to beat up? Your blog is going to fall apart because now there's nothing to talk about? Don't think I don't see through you. Only one person I know of would be saying what you are saying. I know you won't delete your own posts. Can't you just let it go? Move on? Anita and Katie aren't in bed with Loretta for crying out loud! ~Eliza 11.12.06 - 5:16 pm"

“I'm sorry to say I do not agree with you here, Eliza. I could be wrong, but it appears to me that Stunned has been hurt by Anita and/or Katie. I don't think that Stunned means to imply that either of them are in bed with Loretta. Therefore, I find your jumping to conclusions is part of the problem and not the solution.

Personally, I think Stunned's feelings are as important as anyone else’s and so I would suggest a form of arbitration in an attempt to resolve the matter. That could be achieved by nominating a mediator who would be willing to work with both parties in the hopes of reaching either a peaceful solution or simply clear the air. Naturally both parties would have to approve of the intermediary who would hopefully handle the task with impartiality and utmost confidentiality. It's a suggestion I hope Stunned would approve of.” ~Mrs V 11.12.06 - 6:11 pm

“Stunned” did not acknowledge the suggestion, but those that had been discredited responded with grace under pressure.

“Stunned, I have offered, asked and cajoled anyone who has an issue with me to write me an email to resolve it. At this point only one person has taken me up on that offer.” ~Anita Richm*n 11.12.06 - 6:25 pm

“just want to say that I'm not hurt or upset by Stunned's feelings. What occured here happened very fast and unexpectedly, at least to me. But that is how things sometimes shift for a very quick and unexpected manner. In many areas of my life. It is hard to comprehend if one doesn't experience change that way. I have no grievance with Samantha now and have not for some time. Samantha knows this and if anyone else has issues with me that they need to resolve I am totally open to that.” ~katiecool*dy 11.12.06 - 6:30 pm

Fox cartoon time...

“Frankly, I'm stunned at this whole are more than a few of us. Take that anyway you want. I'm not going to fight my own crowd. Again, this is The Pound. Stunned had as much right to speak as anyone else. As far as I can tell, no one was banned today (we have Max tied down) and everyone that wanted to comment has. If I sound a bit cranky, it's because this shit is cutting into my Fox cartoon time...sorry for being snippy. But you have to admit, this has went straight to hell in a hand basket! It's just strange at this point!” ~Baby Girl 11.12.06 - 8:19 pm

“Uhhhhhhh, okaaaaaaaay. My question was very plainly directed at "stunned" who has shown no desire to "let it go". I felt bad for her and din't want her to feel ignored in her day long rant. (okay that was a lie, but still.......) I find it curious BG, that ALL the Bullshit flyin' around this joint today and you feel it's necessary to call me out? I have no intentions of apologising to "stunned" or bad mouthing Sam-that gig is so over. Never had no hate on for Sam. Nope. Never. Meant no disrespect to you at all BG, as I was not speaking to you. Are you still taking questions?” ~It's me, Closet 11.12.06 - 8:30 pm

“This is what I replied to Eliza”

”Your blog is going to fall apart because now there's nothing to talk about? Don't think I don't see through you. Only one person I know of would be saying what you are saying. I know you won't delete your own posts.”

“This is MY blog and rather it get's one hit a day or a hundred, I'm fine with it. What are you seeing through considering only MY admins can delete posts...I am dingy Eliza but I'm not stupid. Either you think I or my crew are someone else...we are who we are. And as far as I know, all our ankles are fine. If someone is injured, that's just wrong.” ~Baby Girl 11.12.06 - 8:42 pm

I believe I was the last participant to enter chat later that night. Upon my arrival I was greeted with, “Baby Girl is stunned.” To which I queried, “Stunned about what?” That's when I learned Baby Girl was actually "Stunned", the poster.
The joke was on me!

Eliza knew exactly what she was talking about. I couldn't think of anything dignified to say other than BG sure had me fooled. I didn't question why BG did it even though I felt it was an absurd gesture. In retrospect, I would emphasize that if things were going “straight to hell in a hand basket” it was due in large part to the blog owner’s insidious charade.

Frick and Frack had their own opinions:

“I think if people can't respect the one rule this joint has not to eat our own, then it's high time these troublemakers are called out on the rug. Maybe then people will understand where others are coming from with their replies to the attacks.” ~DJ Sooner (Shina) 11.13.06 - 1:29 am

“I'm so sick of the two faced bullshit I could puke! Either way is okay with me.”
Baby Girl 11.13.06 - 1:52 am

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts… ~William Shakespeare

And so The Pound stage was set with tacit approval of casting aspersions on anyone considered a troublemaker without substantiation, in typical Loretta fashion, under the direction of Francesca aka “Stunned” Baby Girl.

Reactions were diverse, but there was one bright spot in the midst of the sludge...

“I was once one of Loretta's strongest supporters, but all for naught. I've learned my lesson since. I harbour no hard feelings for anyone here nor at misfits. It has been a comfort not to be a part of any of this for so long. I wish all involved, here and misfits, good luck, good health and positive thoughts.”
Ponder 11.13.06 - 2:57 pm

madisonmutt had her own unique observations...

“To be fair, there are several different "email groups" if you want to call it that. There certainly are posters here that I exchange email with because we've connected on some level or another. What makes it wrong to have a group of folks who share emails? Especially if you're one of those anonys who didn't want your contact info out there - that doesn't mean anyone excluded you, just that you didn't get the memo. That is a dead argument as far as I'm concerned. It's not like anyone here joined the club with the promise of receiving every email exchanged by anyone in the group. That's what friends do. They exchange emails. And that's what people working together to run a board (or a series or boards) do. They exchange email.

How about picking something really worthy of being pissed off about? Like the millions of dollars squandered on stupid research every year or the fact that Scott Peterson will still be breathing this Christmas or ... ya know??”
madisonmutt 11.14.06 - 12:34 pm

”dollars squandered on stupid research”?

U.S. Research Funding Continues to Flatten
as U.S. Health Costs Climb

"The article specifically mentioned that the 5.5 cents spent on research in 2006 for every dollar spent on health care in 2006 was the smallest ratio of money spent on research since 2001."

“I finally realized what it means to eat our own. It means insulting, humiliating, or embarrassing a fellow mutt by making alleged disputes public. When one puts their individual desire or need for justice at a greater level of importance than the overall good of the group they are eating their own. I wish you all would take this private.” ~Anonymous 11.14.06 - 2:31 pm

“Goodbye everyone. I'm sorry to say this won't my second home anymore. Like some others, I don't think I'll ever find peace in this kind of contentious environment. Some evidently have deep hurts that I know nothing about. What I DO know is that I won't be part of the anger anymore. Heck, if I want negativity, I'll go visit my mother-in-law. Take care. I hope you can find peace and reconciliation with each other. Oh, and thanks for the many laughs!!”
Ntegrity 11.14.06 - 3:15 pm

Apparently Shina ’s negativity trumps that of Ntegrity’s mother-in-law, considering Ntegrity is a current cheerleader at The Pound.

“This is what I am not understanding. For a year I have read on these Blogs that everyone wanted Loretta to take responsibility and admit her actions. To not evade them, lie about them or minimize them. Everyone wanted Loretta to admit the truth. That was the justification for the blogs, to point out her lies and actions.

Shouldnt those who made those demands be willing to deliver what they expected of Loretta? Who had a right to demand from Loretta what they are not or were not willing to deliver themselves? People should not have to be "outed" IMO. They should infact out themselves of they crossed the line.”
lurkylu 11.14.06 - 10:45 pm

“You're damn right! Or else they really are hypocritical mutts.”
Anonymous 11.14.06 - 10:47 pm

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mouze in the Houze - Part 1

Think she's gone or changed her ways? No! She's stillaround, but at the Cam Brown site. A few choice words from the ultimate Fucktard.

From Loretta
"I don't know what Pxxxx Bxxxx looks like, nor do I really care. I do, however, know enough about little girls (having raised 3 of my own) to know that a woman who was childless for 47, 48 years and inherits a step-daughter at age 3 with a man who was a reluctant parent (at best) and a negligent moron (to be kind), had less than a snowball's chance in hell of gaining "full legal custody" of that child.

Her comments toward Sxxxx were spiteful, ignorant and bitter. She probably never reconciled the idea that her young stud husband (cough) had to have continuous contact with a former lover that looked like Sxxxx.

I'd like to tell Pxxxx and all the rest of the pathologically jealous mutts out there - Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hahahaha

The fact is, even if Pxxxx looked like a young Bo Derek, her actions toward Sxxxx and others involved in this case (never mind her nastiness toward me -- I still wonder if her voodoo didn't backfire on her, and I sure hope she doesn't have cut-out pictures of my face next to some candles in a shoebox under her bed...yikes) is ugly enough in and of itself. Beauty is as beauty does, KK. And, thanks for the nice compliment, Ken. - 4/24/07 8:10 Pm"

"The new and improved Fucktard. What a change, heh?"
Mouze 04.30.07 - 2:10 am

Loretta wrote:
"...Ok, just checking to make sure there is no way I could be defined as "psychotic." Not under any known definition. However, Txx doesn't use accepted definitions for most of the words he uses. He makes them up as he goes along.

... As far as being a former drug user? Wayull...gosh...this from someone bragging about 'electric beer. Txx clearly is an alcoholic (maybe a recovering alcoholic -- I don't have the information to know). He and his friends felt it necessary to ROB people at the end of a tyre iron in order to get the funds necessary to acquire more beer. If this isn't H-Bomb class evidence of addiction, I don't know what is.

If Txx has sought help for this addiction (through AA or other similar organization) I applaud him. Any addiction is difficult to over come and live with. I doubt he has, since he would be willing to admit to it. I think that's part of recovery, admitting that you have the addiction and are living with it.

I have had such a narrow experience with mood-altering substances, it's hilarious. Yes, I abused something or other, got sober, stayed sober almost 14 years. Depending on Txx's agenda at the moment, he's either sober or a drinker. That would be considered a SUCCESS STORY, my dear. I am the poster girl for recovery. And Txx is the poster boy for failure, though not exclusively for drug abuse.

As far as the "string of failed marriages" - hey, at least I have had 4 or more guys ASK me to marry them. How many proposals have you gotten, TOAD? Men aren't allowed to marry other men in California, so I would think the number is zero. If this should change, I expect a nice ceremony at the local Unitarian Church.

...So, I bailed out. Big deal. I've had library books out longer than my marriages, so what?

Well, you had some hefty fines to pay to the library.

At least I know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, baby. Txx can't even get to the hold 'em stage. He has freely announced that he's never had a successful relationship with a woman.

But, that 'psychotic' label won't fit, sweetie. Using Txx's definition (Anyone who doesn't agree 100% with EVERYTHING Txx claims, no matter what the actual evidence shows, is psychotic) it does. But then, in Txx's world, everyone but him is psychotic. - 4/29/07 11:57 AM
" ~Mouze 04.30.07 - 2:22 am

“Isn't the Secret all about being positive and expecting good things to happen? She hasn't changed her spots at all. If she had, then her nasty comments about another person wouldn't exist. She can't help herself. She's evil.”
Anonymous 04.30.07 - 1:03 pm

"The Secret" only applies when you practice it's principles constantly. The only secret to "The Secret" is that it's a matter of doing, not just saying.”
madisonmutt 04.30.07 - 2:28 pm

“Now, before I'm accused of defending ole whatserface over ----->> I just feel like fair is fair. Ya know? As snarky and self-righteous as she can appear, what wasn't posted here was the comments she was responding to and taken in context, we'd have probably all reacted similiarly [sic]. Ole TK certainly has a way of goading folks himself.

If he can't stand up for himself, then he shouldn't be spewing some of the stuff that he is. And if he can stand up for himself, God has to be wondering what on Earth TK is trying to accomplish with the goading and digging. [note: his defense of his bro-in-law does NOT necessitate the personal bashing of any of the other commentators on the case developments]”
madisonmutt 04.30.07 - 5:44 pm

“I don't know Txx from Adam and that's fine with me. Reading that post of hers was like taking a step back in time. I prefer the present. Still this is the Pound and whomever wants to discuss Loretta per BG is more than welcome. Those of us that don't we can always talk about something else. Isn't the Pound loverly?”
Chrishina 04.30.07 - 6:29 pm

“Yes the Pound is lovely Chrishina. I for one prefer not to waste my time on the likes of her. P.S. Did I miss your name change while I was away?”
Messy 04.30.07 - 9:08 pm

“I wanted to use my real name as a reminder that my actions even online are a reflection of who I am as a person. Not that I think everybody should use their legal name of course and understand why that's not even an option for most. If you still want to call me Sam please do cause I love the nick Sam/Samantha. Just my post will be signed Chrishina.”
Chrishina Homepage 04.30.07 - 10:56 pm

“I would use my real name but then if a certain person posted any info about my kids (me I wouldn’t' care) then I would have to take a road trip and would end up in jail and frankly my kids need me here.” ~Messy 05.01.07 - 7:40 am

“I believe it would be helpful and FAIR if when reposting, accurrate [sic] accounting is provided about who is saying what. As anonymous said, Loretta and Txx seem to be attracted to each other for whatever karmic reason: that doesn't translate into Loretta starting all over again. Let them have their little cesspool fights between their CB sites. At least if one needs a dose of garbage from either side, one knows where to find it. Do we really need to copy the stuff here out of context and inaccurrately [sic] attributed? Don't worry, it's rhetorical and I'm more than prepared to accept the flying fruit just please, no bananas.... ewwww”
madisonmutt 05.01.07 - 8:41 am

“Messy, you're such a good momma! You can have all the nanners - I just didn't want folks thinking I had become a monkey simply for wanting to keep things fair. Sammy - I admire that you want to do the right thing and that by using your name online it's a reminder to you that you're accountable for what you say and do. Whatever it takes, my friend! That doesn't mean that everyone needs to do it (as you've said). It takes a lot of guts to post online these days - anonymously or not, because as well all know, it's eventually traceable if need be. That's probably what I love most about the Pound. We know that there are folks watching out behind the scenes but they allow us to maintain whatever level of anonymity we choose. That's cool, IMHO.” ~madisonmutt 05.01.07 - 11:51 am

“After reading Madison's comment about the Loretta post below I went to look for myself. Loretta did write most of that post but in more than one post, and some of it she didn't write. Why after all this time do people still feel the need to cause trouble?

Loretta did write that about us being jealous of her, and I would like to say.... If Loretta wants to live in a fantasy world believing even one Mutt could be jealous of her looks or life SNORT! (sorry I still find that hilarious) then clearly she's still not ready to face reality. As long as she's not attacking or stalking us I really can't be bothered to care

I would like to ask that if you're going to quote Loretta or anyone for that matter to please refrain from lowering yourself to an unflattering level. Not my blog of course just asking as a fellow Mutt. Even though I took a shower this morning after being at that blog I feel dirty...ewww. It was like walking into a junior high school without Germ-X. ~Chrishina 05.01.07 - 4:55 pm

SNORT! Brought to you by the champion of unflattering levels!
Speaking of Germ-X, Chrishina should gargle with it.

“Nice to know since I'm in the middle of being called a "liar", of being "full of artificial self-righteous indignation", where I have chosen "to choose to ignite passionate hostility over it", "discouraging free speech", "out of character" and what I did was not only "lousy" but left this person "disappointed" in me ... Oh and I was presented with a clarification of the word disappointment as if I were some how incapable of understanding the meaning so it had to be explained to me. But in all fairness, the disappointment in me came from my shabby treatment of said certain individual, which according to said person, "is contrary to what you preach on the board". (I swear I don't remember preaching but hey, I do drink so I may have)

Anyhoo, this will pass...I'm just more than a little stunned by the source and the reason. (Still shaking head over it) I have some errands early morn but will check in later tomorrow, Sincerely, The one and only... Lying, Lousy, disappointment to others, BG ~Mouze 05.02.07 - 12:56 am

Oops, again!

“Yes, I am also Mouze...go figure.”
Mouze 05.02.07 - 1:17 am

“Sorry Nan, I completely screwed that up but I say it's okay and thanks for the info and link...I love all the trash you send my way! If you need me, I'm up for about another hour. E-me or call.” ~Mouze 05.02.07 - 1:23 am

“…sorry for not wearing helmet while posting but I am who I am and that's functionally retarded. Huggles,Sincerely, Mouze aka BG”
Edited By Siteowner
Baby Girl 05.02.07 - 2:10 am

FYI: Haloscan remembers the information one enters in the Name:, Email:, and URL: fields. Hence, those areas of the comment section are pre-filled with the details an individual previously furnished and will post as such unless the author changes them or the cookie is deleted from the poster’s computer. One must remember to change from “D” or “Mouze” to “Baby Girl”! It’s that simple!

“Glad to find out that the mouze posting was a technically challenged copy rather than an intent to make one believe a certain person had uttered all printed. BG I've only known one lying liar yada yada (we all know the phrase) and it wasn't BG. You've kept every promise you've made to the posters here - including the opportunity to disagree and work out most "issues" publically while still allowing each person whatever level of anony they choose. Perceptions often differ from reality I guess - but this is my perception.”
madisonmutt 05.02.07 - 8:47 am

Any connection between madisonmutt’s reality and mine is purely coincidental.

“Oh Madison, there's no need for an apology. You were right, the way it was posted, it did look like all Loretta and it wasn't. It's best to question things sometimes...otherwise the shit blows up and gets out of hand. Believe me, I know because I'm in the middle of something similar at the moment and it sucks to be accused of something one hasn't done and called a liar.”
Baby Girl 05.02.07 - 9:29 pm

Fran Fran certainly has a flair for the dramatic. She’s referring to the email exchange between her and myself, which may be viewed at as one of her creative entries on 7/9/07. Rather than republish the entire communication, I will highlight Baby Girl’s disordered mental aerobics in response to my stated opinion.

”I'm in the middle of something similar at the moment and it sucks to be accused of something one hasn't done and called a liar.”

Disclaimer: I did NOT call Francesca a “liar” in either email!
I stated the facts as I knew them, period!

"Mr. G was doing 99.9% of keeping an eye on the board..."

Snort! The 99.9% statistics again! Mr. G, Louise and I knew he wasn’t keeping an eye on the board at various intervals due to frequent search efforts across the US. How is it the blog mistress didn't know? According to the following article, math isn't Fran Fran's strong point either:

From: The Chronicle Herald
Halifax, Nova Scotia

"The Ralst*ns were contacted by Hopkins’ uncle who’d learned about their efforts on the Internet. The couple have a remarkable track record. They’re now responsible for locating and recovering 54 bodies over the past seven years. The two now spend anywhere between 150 and 250 days a year volunteering their services all over the continent."
“(kisses to my Mr. G man where ever he may be...winkles & smooches baby boy!)” ~Baby Girl 03.18.07 - 11:31 pm

“I would go in and fix your link but Admin prefers that I not go digging in the lab so to speak...I'm sure it will be fixed in the morn. Nite my sweet Mr. G-man, where ever you are...I miss and luv ya baby boy! (I miss Mabel, Louise, Lola, Pei Pal, Clifford's Mom and so many others also but if they are off enjoying life than I say best to ya kids!)” ~Baby Girl 03.24.07 - 11:15 pm

Hello? Fran Fran misses everybody even Mr. G while he's keeping an eye on the board 99.9% of the time. Or was this the .1% Mr. G was absent? Who fixed the link? Was it a link or a blockquote? More importantly, what planet is BG posting from? If she actually thought Mr. G was MIA, what made her say she was shocked when I mentioned the number of times Mr. G. had been away?

I honestly had/have no idea that you, Mabel and Louise were/are still around.

Oh really, then how do you explain this?

“Mabel if you can see are missed!”
Baby Girl 01.25.07 - 12:31 am

“Nite Mabel, where ever you are sweet love and I miss you deeply. My darling Max who will always have my heart, Louise my mentor who I adore, Lola you brainy beautiful tramp you!, Pats and Papi, I could sit here all night and write great stuff about all of you fab people but my med's are kicking in so…”
Baby Girl 02.13.07 - 10:21 pm

It’s highly doubtful the “meds” ever kicked back out! Baby Girl doesn’t remember her ‘Sermon on the Mount’ when she had the correct spelling of “Israel”, but cited the wrong country. I reckon her memory is a bit murky regarding the call to Mabel prior to 4/3/07 when she implied the “sweet girl” wasn’t coming around because she was “worried about the goon”. The fact that Mabel reiterated the bizarre “goon” phenomenon in two emails, that BG received copies of, didn’t seem to lift the never-ending haze that surrounds Francesca.

And just when you think it couldn't possibly get any dumber…

”I had no idea Louise was even at The Pound”

Patsy 03.19.07 - 12:41 am
Patsy 03.24.07 - 11:58 pm
Patsy 03.25.07 - 12:01 am
Patsy 03.25.07 - 12:05 am
Patsy 03.26.07 - 8:07 pm
Patsy 03.26.07 - 9:11 pm
Patsy 03.30.07 - 10:57 am
Patsy 04.19.07 - 7:25 pm
Patsy 04.19.07 - 7:26 pm
Patsy 04.19.07 - 7:27 pm

Oh look, Patsy/Louise posted before and after Francesca “missed” her on 3/24!

Needless to say, when Francesca slid into “I have NEVER, not one time, ask [sic] any of you for private info from your sites, …” I had a hunch Fran Fran lost all her marbles. Little did I know her supply was critically deficient to begin with.

Three conclusions can be drawn from Baby Girl’s erroneous declarations:
a) BG was pulling my chains.
b) BG really can’t find her way out of the powder room.
c) BG was still suffering from Post-traumatic Dentist Disorder.

Whatever the reason, I was surprised to learn how uninformed and disconnected the blog mistress actually was/is.

Anyhoo, this will pass...I'm just more than a little stunned by the source and the reason. (Still shaking head over it) I have some errands early morn but will check in later tomorrow, Sincerely, The one and only... Lying, Lousy, disappointment to others,BG” ~Mouze 05.02.07 - 12:56 am

Awww! Poor Baby Girl. What a creative technique for taking it “on the chin”!

“Everyone here knows they can blast away at me if they want and not get banned or banished for it. Like I said, no matter what I say concerning certain people, I'm gonna take it on the chin. So be it.” ~Baby Girl 11.17.06 - 10:14 pm

Francesca’s citation of “more than a little stunned” brought to mind an earlier instance when Baby Girl claimed she was “stunned”.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Say What? - Part 2

“I'm up if you can call... Gawd how we missed you woman!” ~Baby Girl 04.18.07 - 1:09 am

I'm beginning to think
"missed" is BG's third favorite word. Didn't Shina say she posted Steve's video to the front page as requested a few hours ago?

“What myspace blunder? I just finished tweaking your page, hope you like it. I'm not sure what time you left the message for me to call so I'm hesitate to call now. If you're still up and read this oh I don't before 3am call me or post something and I'll call you.”
Samantha 04.18.07 - 2:38 am

“I'm woman, call!”
Baby Girl 04.18.07 - 2:44 am

“I've called your home and cell number and both are going to voicemail. I'm going to email you a number to call me on.” ~Samantha 04.18.07 - 3:08 am

Hello, welcome to the mental health hotline.
If you have obsessive compulsive disorder, press 1 repeatedly.

“I don't understand the you owe me attitude some people have. Don't get me wrong I believe in helping your fellow man especially family, but I don't believe in helping those that feel the world owes them something. Michael's crackhead brother broke me on just handing the shirt off my back to anyone who asked for it. Fuck anyone who demands it.” ~Samantha 04.19.07 - 1:37 am

Shina's third favorite word must be "crack" and all its derivatives.

“I know all about the "you owe me" stuff from my family. According to them, they should be living just as well as I am, at my expense of course and man are they pissed that I want no part of it...the hell and embarrassment with them never ends...the stories I could tell...sheese” ~Baby Girl 04.19.07 - 2:02 am

Note: "Treat people the way you'd like to be treated" doesn't apply to family apparently.

“Are you still up BG? Call me I emailed you last night if you are. Stalker boy is asking for it!” ~Samantha 04.19.07 - 3:55 am

If you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.

“Oh geeze the typos. I was trying to type call me on the phone number I emailed you last night if you're still awake BG.” ~Samantha 04.19.07 - 3:57 am

If you have short term memory loss, please try your call again in a few minutes.

“Hello, anony and messy. Well actually hello to anyone who's reading.”
madisonmutt 04.22.07 - 10:37 pm

“WOW! MM you're a blast from past! So good to see you around here again! I love reading your comments because you're always so calm, cool and collected. Welcome back friend!” ~Samantha 04.23.07 - 5:31 pm

Evidently Shina is over her adverse reaction to...

“sammie - u can ignore dat email i sent you bout the T chick... problem resolved. many t'anks do. lmao... it be hard to type in accent huh? ~anony4damoment 02.07.07 - 12:05 am"

If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's and grandmother's maiden names.

“awww shucks, Sammy. I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.”
madisonmutt 04.23.07 - 8:25 pm

“Vergie better not make me open a can of whoop azz on her for interferring in parental relationships. Grrrrr, don't go there grandma-from-hell!”
anony4damoment 04.24.07 - 2:33 pm

“Unfortuately, anony4da, whoop azz doesn't work in grandmas from hell.”
madisonmutt 04.24.07 - 3:14 pm

That’s madisonmutt talking to herself in case you didn’t notice!

If you have multiple personality syndrome, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

“MadisonMutt to see you posting again is just AWESOME! I can't get over it. I've always respected you for as I said your ease at being calm cool and collected.

For anybody that wants to read, my blog is re-opened. I doubt you'll recognize it or me, lots of good things going on in my life. I am uninstalling the site meters on it because I never login to those anyway but mainly because people deserve to surf the web with privacy.”
Chrishina 04.26.07 - 6:32 pm

If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transfered to the mothership.

“That woman over there and I will never never never never be friends. If that's negative to some oh well, but to me it's very positive. I have no ill feelings toward her or anybody anymore but that doesn't mean I'll be having tea with them at any point in my life either.” ~Chrishina 04.27.07 - 7:52 pm

If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep. Or before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

“Oh and yeah Chrishina is Sammy. Legal name Chrishina, real life nick Shina online nick Samantha, Sam and Sammy. Even I get confused.”
Chrishina 04.27.07 - 7:54 pm

“How do you like my new name? I used to go by Anonymous. Maybe I should use Stacy Shalmers. That was the name I wish I given at birth about twenty years ago. Stacy Shalmers sounds kind of porn starish. I think Blockquote fits me, now.”
Blockquote 04.28.07 - 12:16 am

“I think I really like Blockquote. Or maybe Bloquotessa Or maybe Ms Block. Or how about Queen Blockquote? Better yet, Contessa Blockquotessa?”
Contessa Blockqotessa 04.28.07 - 1:56 am

"Dear Admin, could you please correct my mistake?"
Contessa Blockquotessa 04.28.07 - 2:07 am

“Contessa Blockquotessa your block was fixed and no you're not the only one laughing at your jokes.” ~Admin 04.28.07 - 3:17 am

If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.

I don't recall the exact day Max relayed the message to Louise and me in chat. He said he had received an email from Shina informing him that the password to Haloscan had been changed, not because there was a breach in confidence, but by virtue of the fact BG wanted something easier to remember. That struck me as odd because I couldn’t imagine anything more uncomplicated than what was already in place. In addition, Max was advised that any future admins would require unanimous approval from Baby Girl, Shina, and himself. The second part of the dictum came as a complete surprise as it confirmed the decision was calculated and failure to notify Louise or myself was not an oversight. Clearly, Max was relegated to do the dirty work.

The three of us were at a loss to understand what may have influenced the new rules. To my knowledge neither Louise nor myself ever had an angry word with BG, therefore we concluded that Shina’s involvement played a big part. The fact that Shina was ticked at me would account for my curt dismissal, but it didn’t explain why Louise was ostracized. It’s a point of contention that for all intents and purposes remains a mystery.

Since I was the new kid on the block, I didn’t know Francesca as well as the other admins. In fact, my appointment was impromptu. One day, out of the blue, BG christened me “Lola” announcing my association as a member of “the crew”. I NEVER requested the designation, I didn’t choose the name, and I avoided the inner workings of Haloscan for a stretch out of fear I might mess things up. At the time it didn’t matter because there were enough admins to handle the job. In fact, it was Mabel who gave me a quick tutorial on how to utilize the basic functions of Haloscan before she left for vacation.

On the other hand, Louise had been at The Pound from the beginning. She was a member of the original team BG claimed to be eternally grateful to for setting up the blog. Louise had participated in the Anna Nicole discussion as Patsy. In fact, when Louise responded to Mabel’s 4/3/07 email, she wrote, “It’s fun just hanging with friends at the blog.”

In reviewing the previous two months we made note of the fact that BG never again joined us in chat after my fallout with Shina. Text messages had been ignored during that time span yet Max still informed BG of his April departure date. In short, the blog owner's communication with the three of us had come to a screeching halt including the day that only Max was apprised of the changing of the guard.

I can unequivocally state that the password change was NOT an issue contrary to the ensuing scuttlebutt. It was most emphatically a case of “Treat people the way you'd like to be treated”, otherwise known as “manners and respect” relative to BG's very own "Sermon on the Mount". The buck undoubtedly stops with Baby Girl. I wrote to her expressing my surprise and disappointment at her lack of sensitivity. I had reasonable expectations that Francesca would react to my thoughts with some level of maturity. I couldn’t possibly have been more wrong. After reading through BG’s defensive and hostile response I concluded she wasn’t a straight shooter and that “Baby Girl” is indeed a most suitable nic for Francesca Franzese.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Say What? - Part 1

“ANS central now. Sorry I can't relate to this. Nothing happening with / to LS?”
Nonny 04.01.07 - 6:23 am

“Nonny - no one gives a shit about LS.”
04.01.07 - 10:34 am

“Sorry the joint isn't Fucktard central for ya but it never will be...start a topic Nonny and we'll jump in with ya. The last I've heard of LS aka Itchy Ass, she's still following "The Secret" and I hope the bitch wanders longer than it took the Jews to get out of Israel(sp) to find the answer she's looking for!

(Answer to "The Secret": Treat people the way you'd like to be treated, keep a positive out look on life and be your own fan, blah blah blah...pretty much the same shit you're taught as a child but then it was called manners and respect! (Please insert the rolling eye's at how stupid this pin worm infested bitch is...pfffttt) Later babies! ~Baby Girl 04.01.07 - 1:52 pm

Do you suppose Fran Fran was talking about Moses?
If so, the correct spelling would be E-g-y-p-t !
:rolling eyes: inserted

“Sorry about your luck there Nonny. Any time you find something to talk about the floor is all yours. The secret most be a powerful movie if it can change the heart of a tried and true psycho bitch. I agree with BG though, she'll be back but until I'm loving the fresh air in here. It's hell when you have to worry about her leaving a pinworm or 100 behind. Or if that's really a bottle of tequila! Ewww :shivers:” ~Samantha 04.01.07 - 9:01 pm

“Try this link Miss Sam. I rushed home but missed never answer the phone woman!” ~Baby Girl 04.01.07 - 9:28 pm

“Hey all you sweet'ums, you punkin's you! What's up? How is everyone? Oh all my loverlies.... (yes, yes, fall into my trap...fall into my e-veel-ness) Pffffffffttttttttttttttttttt! (snort) Seriously, I am e-veel! Be careful!”
Baby Girl 04.01.07 - 11:47 pm

“BabyGirl regardless of what you've heard you're one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met. Sorry to ruin your evil bitch reputation :haha: but it's true. I'm sorry we kept missing each other last night. Maybe tonight we can catch up?”
Samantha 04.02.07 - 8:33 am

”Oh my garsh. I'm sorry, but this kind of thing makes me want to fall on my sword: The insipid, misspelled, grammatically challenged doodlings of a 2-digit-IQ trailer trash go-go dancer have been sold for a half mil. This, my friends, is why Dubya is president. ~Posted by: loretta March 24, 2007 01:20 PM”

“Whoretta is insanely covetous of Anna Nicole Smith and admits desirous suicidal thought. Whoretta then goes on to censure the voting American populace for her desire to fall on her sword. One can only surmise Whoretta continues to abnegate herself medical succor as she did with her chronic predicament with pin worms. Sorry y'all I couldn't resist.” ~Samantha 04.02.07 - 8:03 pm

So much for “fresh air”, hmm?

On 4/3/07, Mabel sent TP admins email. Shina was not included. Mabel stated that she had no intentions of returning to The Pound. When her computer died in December, she welcomed the break and embraced life without the "drama". She felt she had sustained hits along the way that she didn’t deserve and wasn't about to return for another kick in the teeth. She was also still upset over the way “V” (Victoria) bailed suddenly. Apparently Mabel had a prior phone conversation with BG since her closing comments indicated the call had been abruptly disconnected. She opined that a dead battery might have been at fault.

I subsequently learned the basis of the phone call was that BG asked for Shina’s phone number. (Snort!) Baby Girl also postulated that Mabel wasn’t coming around because she was “afraid of the goon”. That preposterous notion baffled Mabel. She felt BG was possibly testing her, which is what prompted her to email everyone letting us know where she stood.

”I think you're being too harsh...Anony”

“Snort! Up until now, I've almost been saint-like about it....harsh? Grab a seat baby, you're about to see a show! Of course, all opinions are still open here. Remember that, no Queen in this joint! But I have to stand up now and it's gonna get good! Please feel free to fight me back. I'll actually respect you more if you show me a backbone. Admin, start watching the stats because Fucktard aka Itchy Ass is gonna wanna see how a real fight goes down without The Pound doors slamming shut.” ~Baby Girl 04.04.07 - 3:42 pm

“I shock the piss out of myself knowing that I can get from point A to point B in life at all...forget the Happy Feet dance I do in the mall, just the fact that I drive myself around and can somewhat work the radio really does amaze the fluck out of me! It really does!” ~Baby Girl 04.05.07 - 11:12 pm

Initially I thought this was an act. But now I find it amazing as well.

“The Aflac Caper!
ThumbSnap Preview:
Happy Easter!”
Lola 04.07.07 - 10:50 am

“Hi Lola...hope all is well.”
Messy 04.07.07 - 12:10 pm

“Hi Messy, Life is good! Spring is in the air and there's a list of projects to tackle. And yourself?” ~Lola 04.07.07 - 9:01 pm

“Hey Miss Lola, how's things? You've been very missed around here.”
Baby Girl 04.07.07 - 10:25 pm

The "how's things?" had already been answered in my 9:01 post. As for "being missed", what was there to say?...

"Hey stoopid, what the hell are you talking about? I've been here every single day, but I'm ready to pull my hair out if I see one more Anna Nicole post! Geez, it's not as though the national media hasn't mentioned it every hour on the hour; and then I get to hear it again on the program that follows the local news every night!"

Is that what I should have said? I didn't. Happy Easter was enough!

“Mr. G, my heart is with you and the family, send my love. Hope all is well baby boy. May God bless all of you and your's!” ~Baby Girl 04.08.07 - 6:00 am

On 4/10/07, Max informed me that he was asked to resume a search he had previously conducted in Arizona. His tentative plans to leave on 4/14 were contingent upon his mom’s health since she had recently undergone a medical procedure. After reading BG’s remarks and before Max left, I asked if Baby Girl had answered any of his text messages yet? His response...

” No, BG has not replied to any of my text messages. I just sent her another one to let her know we are leaving tomorrow morning.”

"Poor, poor Howie."

“For being stupid enough to put all his eggs into a basket that didn't belong to him.” ~Anonymous 04.10.07 - 8:16 pm

“Excuse me Mous but Howie didn't put any damn thing in any f-ing basket, Anna did...Howie was only trying to protect the basket per her wishes. Got more? I'm ready!” ~Baby Girl 04.10.07 - 8:39 pm

Oh my! "Got more?" Them's fightin' words!

“Sam, I've loved every sun rise I've watched while chatting with you and completely forgetting the time. You're a funny little brat!”
Baby Girl 04.11.07 - 8:05 pm

It took four days to research and compose the following entry:
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Virginia Tech, A Day of Sorrow
Posted by Papillon at 1:48 PM

It was a long drawn-out process considering I had to code each image with ThumbSnap via The Pound. When I lost access to Haloscan on 4/17, I wrote Louise asking if she knew what was wrong. Louise confirmed that she too couldn’t get into The Pound’s Haloscan panel. Max was away so we decided to wait for his return and see if he lost access as well. I was too intent on finishing my entry to give it a second thought. When I finally published the "Virginia Tech" entry I went to The Pound to post a link, but decided against doing so since there was a conspicuous lack of interest in the tragic events:

“OK, I'm prepared for the public stoning, BUT... Is anyone else as sick of seeing nothing but the Massacre at Virginia Tech across every newspaper, television station, and internet news source? What happened is tragic. Without a doubt it is a sad day. But do we need to keep it front and center?? Do we really need to be telling other would be attention seekers that they too could get this much attention if they do something equally as horrific?? Do we need to make it some twisted student's goal to break the record by repeatedly bringing up the fact that it is the deadliest school/campus event?? And why the hell aren't we being just as concerned/informed/affected by news of other events which kill as many or more than this one kid did? Sigh... it's all just a sick twisted mess and I'm tired of watching it replay over and over and over just to sell a story.”
anony4damoment 04.17.07 - 10:00 am

“Just to sell a story???” I was tempted to write that I couldn’t fathom spending two months rehashing every tiny aspect of Anna Nicole's untimely death yet, within twenty-four hours, grow weary of media reports surrounding the senseless killing of thirty-two innocent human beings. Instead, I posted the link at The Truth Tree.

“Toonces, I don't know where you found that but Thank You for the best laugh I've had in weeks...and for remembering such a great man. Too bad Steve and Ross didn't do a few more shows together. That was freaking priceless! (If I can ever find a Admin that has a free moment, that has to be on the front page of The Pound)” ~Baby Girl 04.17.07 - 4:57 pm

Note: Access to the front page was already narrowed down to "one available admin" as evidenced by the following:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Spring Has Sprung
Posted by Baby Girl at 3:18 PM

Again, what was Baby Girl's point?

“BabyGirl we have posted our favorite guy's video to the front page as requested. Also Pound Loverlies we have a new comment section under the new entry for your convenience. That is all, good day.”
Admin / Shina 04.17.07 - 6:30 pm

I notice how Shina refers to "BabyGirl" (without spacing). It's precisely the way "NotADentist" wrote it in her 12:18 contentious comments that were deleted on 3/26/07. Another coincidence.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Not a Dentist - Part 2

“Didn't hear from BG last night but I called this morning to let her know she has lots of people thinking of her today. I would like to say I hate that I lost my temper with Denise last night and showed my ass on the board. With that I'll be moving smartly along to other topics.”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 9:47 am

“Morning all! Sam...lost your temper?...that was calm if you ask me. BG-Best of luck.”
Anonymess 03.26.07 - 10:48 am

“BG - you're going to do fine at the dentist. All of us at the anony4da house are keeping you in special prayers.” ~anony4damoment 03.26.07 - 11:05 am

“I sent BG a text of the cause of death.”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 11:14 am

“I say we uncork the Don Peringnon and toast BG, who right now is sitting in the dentist's chair. Here's to BG.” ~Anonymous 03.26.07 - 11:28 am

“I'm hoping we hear from BG soon Anonymous. Maybe it's already over...crossing fingers.” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 11:33 am

“Baby G, I hope you are doing well, and your date with the dentist wasn't to traumatic.” ~WHAT! 03.26.07 - 7:32 pm

“Sorry to say no word on or from BG yet.”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 7:51 pm

“Michael is making it well known that he is hungry. I'm pretty sure he is trying to make that my problem...the nerve. I'll check back after I feed people.”
Samantha |03.26.07 - 8:28 pm

“Thank you all for your concern and thoughts. I'm okay, I only allowed them to poke around, fight me a little in the chair, do the x-rays and tell me I need a root canal asap.

As for this D shit, I'll handle her but I want all of you to remember this. None of you have to take shit from anyone. There is no Queen here. This place belongs to all of us. If anyone comes here talking smack to one or all of you, please, feel free to rip them a new one! None of you deserved to be spoken to like that and I will have a "chat" with her as soon as I can speak without slurring and seeing double.

D, the last chat we had will be remembered as a trip to Disney Land compared to the one coming! I warned you and by coming here and attacking these people, you have not only insulted me and pissed me off, I feel like you have spit in my face with the lie you told me that it wouldn't happen again. We will be "talking" soon. I think you know what to expect so don't make it worse with any bullshit!”
Baby Girl 03.26.07 - 9:04 pm

Wow! Not exactly what I expected, but at first blush I figured Denise (the one that “earned every dime she got” for dealing with BG), must have done something horrible to provoke such fury. Hindsight being 20/20, I now recognize the impetus could have been anything benign, such as… “I can only express my disappointment.”

“Gal-durn-it! Michael and his need to eat! And if eating wasn't enough I had to go with him to wal-mart too! I missed BabyGirl again, not to mention everybody else that was here too. I'm pouting, no really trust me. I know what will make me feel better though. $100.00 out of the can of whip ass that is awaiting D. Anybody want to trade places with her about now? Yeah me neither!”
Samantha 03.27.07 - 12:22 am

Apparently Shina's revenge quota wasn't quite full. I'm not certain what Denise did to Shina that deserved “whip ass”, but why would Shina feel gratified by abuse? My thoughts turned to December, when Denise rolled out the red carpet.


“Dearest Sammy, I'm so glad you're blogging have such the way with words, you nutty tramp you! I wanted to let you know that I went to pick up my Furs at storage the other day and decided from a entry at your blog that this winter will be Fur-Free. I had no idea and thank you for the heads up.

Honestly, it is in writing that if anything happens to me (knock wood) the boyz are to go to the Sammy house with funding not only for them but all the babies you love and protect. Not kidding you here. For insurance purposes I have to update my "info" aka will on a regular basis and I named you and the Hubby that Brubey is suppose to whack the knee's of as the boyz caretakers. FYI: Pig is a very needy indoors, in the bed with you type. Glad you're back kid!”
Baby Girl 12.04.06 - 9:05 pm

“You know I am your biggest fan and will always be here for you but I wanted to comment on the Sam post. I always thought the two of you seemed a lot alike with your kindness and your feistiness. There have been and still are great women here, I know how much you adored Anita and Katie. I remember the talks we had when you told me how funny they were but I always thought you and Sam were the most alike. I hope you can find a kindred spirit among the pound, you are a very special woman. I hope someday they will know all of what made you the person you are. I admit, I can't keep up with you but I and S will always be close by if you need anything. I wish all could come back together but if not, at least you and Sam have found a path back to each other.

Sam and everyone at the pound, you are lucky. I have put Francesca in many a position where I should have been dead to her but I know if I ever need her, she is there. I know she would not want this to turn into a BG lovefest so I will stop now and say welcome home Sam. Maybe the other's will return someday also. All my best, D. S still blushes when he is in front of F because of the garage IM. LOL!
I love you girl!" ~D 12.04.06 - 10:57 pm

"I know she would not want this to turn into a BG lovefest"
"Too late, it already is a BG lovefest."
Anonymous 12.04.06 - 11:02 pm

“Thank you Anony. I do not post much because I tend to ramble and gush but I can not imagine a day where I am not reading at the pound. You all are so interesting in your own personalities. May God walk with the father in the post above. Admin, I know you are on high alert with me so delete or edit as you see fit.” ~D 12.04.06 - 11:14 pm

“Hey D hope you're doing well. Thanks for the welcome home. It's good to be home again.” ~Sam 12.04.06 - 11:22 pm

“Hi Sam. I tend to tear up too while reading here. Mostly I am LOL but sometimes these ladies rip the guts completely out of one. As I said before, welcome home you BG clone. LOL” ~D 12.04.06 - 11:26 pm

“Samantha, I so BG's paper work so she is telling the truth with the will information. May I add, Little spoiled Fatboy is like velcro. A complete Momma's boy. Good luck if it becomes your place.” ~D 12.04.06 - 11:29 pm

“Just wow Anonymous...blown away here. Thanks! If anybody has a problem with me period my email is still shinahart at charter dot net. Out of respect for the pound crew take it to my email please and thanks.”
Sam 12.04.06 - 11:39 pm

“Sam, I know for sure you are at home with BG. You two are too much alike to stay apart. Besides, you are a fighter too. No one can make you leave and you have alot of fans here. Myself included.” ~D 12.04.06 - 11:45 pm

"Fans, there's only one star on this blog and her name is BG. I'm loving just being in the crowd with friends. My teeth are numb. Maybe I should slow down on the Martinis? Then again maybe not." ~Sam | 12.04.06 - 11:50 pm

“Drink up BG Jr. I think we are the only one's here at the moment. Bg wants nothing to do with being a star. See, there I go gabbing again with her personal information. Does anyone know who won the Carolina-Philly game? How is that crazy bird of your's I've heard so much about? I was told Boston gave you some bird tips. Did they help?" ~D 12.04.06 - 11:55 pm

"The Hitch man is doing great D. B was very helpful to say the least.
Hitch loves his papertowels lol. (snip)

Anonymous you're too kind. Thank you for your support and lovley words. (((Anonymous))). God love ya. All that is water under the bridge now and the slates are clean in my book. I love everybody well except for one or two crazy muthafluckers over there. Everybody else who has/had issues with me eh fuck it we live and learn." ~Sam |12.05.06 - 12:13 am

Obviously Denise was a big fan of Shina’s in December, so what changed in three months? To refresh your memory, it was around the time we were notified that Brutus was ailing and certain photos of Britney Spears were in circulation.

“Sending lots of prayers for Bru Bru. Whatz a matter fella? BG the cell is on.”
Sam 12.05.06 - 12:23 am

“WTF is up with Brit these days? Seeing her vajay jay was not the highlight of my year. No really I'm serious :gag:. Not only have I seen THAT but I've seen her c section scar and ass chaffing. Brit my God girl get a grip and some panties for Pete's sake!
Link removed by Admin. Photos are fake.
graphic and not safe for work.
Sam | 12.05.06 - 9:46 am

“Hi Sammy and crew! I'm here off an on.... when I can be!”
Mad Max | 12.05.06 - 10:34 am

“Excuse me ladies while I go bitch slap this girl I work with. BBL”
Anonymess | 12.05.06 - 11:00 am

UPDATE: I didn't even notice but in that first picture Paris is closing Britney's legs. You know you're this close to becoming a human condom when Paris Hilton is showing more sense than you. Usually you'd be better off taking advice from that guy who likes to take dumps in the subway. ~Quote from The Superficial.
“Toonces was right”
Sam | 12.05.06 - 4:44 pm

“Sorry to have worried you guys. Brute knows that at his age, I'll fall for any of his tricks. Should have seen the pitiful acting he did. Could barely eat his Jumbone until I let him on the sofa then it was party time! (Looked like he was on a freaking trampoline) Oh the day I've had...Goon, who by the way, has until Friday night to do his pole dance so he called every hour on the hour with a new bet...I'm saying no more bets until I see the booty spin!

Had two meetings back to back, of course, on opposite sides of town, went to pick out the new bar for here and ended up buying a new table and chair set for the nook and I look over and see two tree looking things and had to have those. Then, an eye appointment and back across town to buy new frames and a couple of boxes of contacts. Whew...and I still haven't figured out a way to ask the neighbors how they'd feel about the come shots. Gonna get the boyz settled, back in a few loverlies!” ~D 12.05.06 - 6:23 pm


“Sorry again, was also e-mailing D that Brute is doing fine. Sheese...Thank Gawd I didn't put her actual screen name on there! (admin, leave it that way...wanna hear that call when she swears she didn't write it...snort!) back in a few.”
Baby Girl 12.05.06 - 6:28 pm

"Pitiful acting" must run in the family! Snort!

“After a very careful forensic examination of the photos of Britney Spears, purportedly not wearing undies, I determined the alleged photos were fake. The link was removed.” ~Admin | 12.05.06 - 7:11 pm

“If you enlarge the appropriate "parts" of the photos, you can see where the non Britney "parts" were pasted in. When viewed in their posted size, they do look real. I am sure Britney's appropriate "handlers" are aware of the photos. I don't care who you are (except maybe....) nobody deserves that kind of treatment.”
Admin | 12.05.06 - 7:38 pm

“Admin removed the link because they said the photos were fake. I thought that was strange because every other site says they're real.”
Sam | 12.06.06 - 8:51 pm

“Any first grader can examine the main photo and tell it has been altered. The alterations in the others are more subtle but the artifacts of alteration are still there. If you would like, I will email you a copy showing the added in portion.”
Admin | 12.06.06 - 9:03 pm

“Honestly Admin I couldn't give a shit.”
Sam | 12.06.06 - 9:09 pm

“Nor could I Sam! I don't think any one here would like to see "it" enlarged 600 percent. When you do, it is obvious. Nuff said.....”
Admin | 12.06.06 - 9:13 pm

“I'll see yall later.”
Sam |12.06.06 - 9:19 pm

“Oh...did I miss anything other than being at lunch when a certain Admin text'd me and ask permission to kill the Brit Brit birthing area chat? (BTW, Thanks for that image Admin! Thank you soooo much)” ~Baby Girl | 12.07.06 - 8:08 pm

“Sorry BG but "it" was spoiling my lunch too!”
Admin | 12.07.06 - 8:20 pm

“I wish all the posters and readers here knew that you guys take as much care of them as you do me...without you guys, The Pound would die. What a sad thought after all the work all of you have put into this...esp the beginning when almost everyday you had bullshit breaking out all over the place. I "hearty" all the crew, the posters and the still timid readers who visit everyday.”
Baby Girl |12.07.06 - 9:23 pm

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Not a Dentist - Part 1

When Baby Girl asked for a tribute to honor Jessica Lunsford in March 2007, I obliged. By the time the entry was ready for publishing, I received an email from Max informing me that Shina had to transfer the blog to the new Blogger some time back so she set up a new Google account. I had never done an entry for The Pound before, so Max provided the new login. Considering the tribute was done at BG’s request, I presumed she knew who had put it all together.

The multifaceted Anna Nicole Smith tragedy was the primary topic of discussion at The Pound for weeks. Anna Nicole was not the center of my universe, so I pretty much kept an eye on the board without comment while redesigning the layout of my kitchen.

“Thank you so much. Everytime I see little Jessica, I remember the nasty vile garbage that someone over there spilled about her father Mark. He continues to fight the fight, as well as trying to handle his own loss. I bet you will never see wokeye admit she made a wrong call on Mark Lunsford. Or they may not be in the same class as her.” ~why 03.11.07 - 8:06 pm

“I've never read any let up on Mark from crawly ass, even after he was cleared and they caught that bastard Couey...she made a remark about Mark milking the tragedy and how much he was loving the spot light, that's what I jumped her over in private and she posted my e-mail as a "I love you" type thing on her blog. Not that she milked Laci's death or anything thou [sic] did she? Bottom feeding bitch!”
Baby Girl 03.11.07 - 8:10 pm

The following day, Shina complained about her electric bill. I replied as Anonymous, and since Shina knows my IP she was capable of identifying who authored the post.

”How do you go from having the same electric bills for two years to having a 150.00 to 200.00 increase without adding or changing anything except using less electricity? ~Samantha 03.12.07 - 4:32 pm”

“When something major is malfunctioning. Happened to me when the well pump was on its last leg and straining to operate. Sure enough, after the pump quit and was replaced, the electric bill went back to normal range.”
Anonymous 03.12.07 - 9:27 pm

Max, Louise, and myself continued to communicate through chat, but neither Shina nor BG ever returned to IM again. Although Max periodically sent BG text messages, he told me they had gone unanswered.

“I spoke to Sammy on the phone last night and she didn't budge an inch on her disgust with her Howie hate...snort! Gotta love a girl that stands her ground! Oh and she and Brutal spoke. ( I freaking kid you not...he literally spoke to her. (kisses to my Mr. G man where ever he may be...winkles & smooches baby boy!)”
Baby Girl 03.18.07 - 11:31 pm

“It's look to the media, kiddies. Everybody's doing this on the come. It's sell a book, sell photos, sell secrets. A British news agency is footing Virgie's bills."
Patsy 03.19.07 - 12:41 am

“I know I mentioned this on the phone to BG but wasn't sure if I posted it here too. From” ~Samantha 03.19.07 - 4:14 am

“BabyGirl the parts in bold is the information I was telling you about on the phone.” ~Samantha 03.19.07 - 4:29 am

In defense of Howard K. Stern
and apparently the controversial poster known as "D"...

“I had someone in my life for over 10 years that "worked" exclusively for the company but was basically mine. Her bills were paid, rent, clothing, cell and phone bills, a car and her gas. If I wasn't around and she needed extra cash, she wrote herself a check from my account and signed my name. She wasn't a leech, she wasn't a hanger-on and she wasn't using me. Believe me when I say she earned every dime she got dealing with me and my crazy shit! Some of you may remember her...D?” ~Baby Girl 03.19.07 - 8:16 pm

“BabyGirl a friggin blast talking to ya tonight on the phone as always! Let me know what you decide to watch on our movie night!” ~Samantha 03.21.07 - 5:02 am

“I truly wish I wasn't such a dumbass with this Halo scan thing! Thanks in advance, Admin!” ~Toonces the Driving Cat 03.24.07 - 10:48 pm

“I would go in and fix your link but Admin prefers that I not go digging in the lab so to speak...I'm sure it will be fixed in the morn. Nite my sweet Mr. G-man, where ever you are...I miss and luv ya baby boy! (I miss Mabel, Louise, Lola, Pei Pal, Clifford's Mom and so many others also but if they are off enjoying life than I say best to ya kids!)” ~Baby Girl 03.24.07 - 11:15 pm

This statement is positively mind-boggling. If Baby Girl believed the 'crew' was MIA, who did she think provided the current entry? Who was left minding the store? Shina? If so, Shina didn’t bother fixing Toonces blockquote, I did. Evidently BG missed Patsy's comments as well.

“BG, I hate dentists, too. I've spent a great deal of my life sitting in dentist's chairs. I fear some day when I'm sitting there, I might growl like a mad dog, and bite the bastard in his face. But I never do. I just sit there and make nice, counting the minutes until it's over.” ~Anonymous 03.24.07 - 11:54 pm

“Ditto about the dentists Anonymous. I keep telling mine that he needs to put up a pic on the ceiling for us ladies to take our minds off of the dentistry. Say for example, a hunk on a beach.. just saying.” ~Patsy 03.25.07 - 12:01 am

“Stern doesn't have children.
BG I know how afraid you must be, I will be around in the morning if you need me. Remember, I love you as if you were my own. Everything will be fine. I promise! Do your steps. Fight it out until with A until you get tired and let the medicine take effect and it will be over before you know it. A, R and C would never in a million years allow anything to happen to you. You are a very brave girl, you are strong and you can and will do what you need to do. You will be alright. I swear on my soul. I wish you would answer the phone but I know why you won't so if you see this, I am here. I am only a call away. Love you little one with all my heart.”
NotADentist / Denise 03.25.07 - 11:20 pm

“Hey BG, Just got your message. Since the Goon is prolly sleeping I won't call and wake him. But if you see this in the next little bit call me back! Wish I could be there with you tomorrow. Offer to talk you through via phone is still on the table. Whatever it takes sweet lady. Big Hugs (((BabyGirl))) Thinking of you.”
Samantha 03.25.07 - 11:45 pm

“Oh I am sorry Not A Dentist. I thought I read somewhere, that Howard K Stern had been married and had two children. Maybe it was another Howard Stern. Sorry.” ~meme 03.26.07 - 12:15 am

“It was another Howard K Stern. A very easy mistake meme. Do not believe all you hear and only half of what you see. Howard's attorney's will hold a presser tomorrow at 3.” ~NotADentist / Denise 03.26.07 - 12:23 am

Denise up your dosage you crazy bitch! How many times does BG have to you to leave her alone? You're so damn jealous of her it's SICK! I don't take money from BG like YOU!” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 12:33 am

"JMO but none of you know how to take care of BabyGirl. You are only here for your own agendas about Loretta. You could not care less for BabyGirl. You do not know her! How many of you does she support financially? Is that friendship? Well played, very well played. She has a heart and some of you found it.
Where will you be tomorrow? Not with her but I will take a guess that you would be around your mailbox to accept her check. You have no idea what she goes through with these sessions. NONE! She is child like in her fear. Do ant [sic] of you care? Will you lose sleep? And Sam, you missed her call. Convenient? Why this board is still open , other then her love for G is beyond me. She needs her hand held, she needs a hug. Are any of you there? NO Stop posing people. Let her go. Loretta has moved on, why can't the rest of you?
~NotADentist 03.26.07 - 12:18 am”

“Look, NotADentist, Whoever BG decides to bestow gifts upon is none of your damned business. What? Are you jealous? Okay, I admit I've been drinking for free at BG's bar for months, but don't you go assuming that I don't love and care for her very much, or that I don't appreciate every fabulous drink that's been served to me. How dare you? Now, you apologize, right now.”

removed real names by siteowner Edited By Siteowner
Anonymous 03.26.07 - 12:33 am

Denise I'm so sick of you and trust me I'm not the only one who feels this way. How fucking dare you come on here and pretend to be BG's friend and we are only using her! How fucking dare you! You're the crazy bitch posting BG's personal life and real names on this site! We here to protect her and love her! You're here (though banned numerous times) because you're fucking obsessed with her! You wished her death remember? Yeah fucking right you love her. Eat shit Denise....EAT SHIT BITCH!” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 12:42 am

“By the fucking way Denise I missed her call because I caught a nap so I could stay up all night if that's what she needed. You're so fucking crazy pills can't help you!” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 12:46 am

“I think Denise blames this blog for the demise of her friendship with BG. I think she's thinking if this blog goes away, BG will have more time for her. Hey Denise, BG is hardly ever here. She's too busy. When she is here, it's a real treat, but it's rare. We have nothing to do with your relationship with BG.”
Anonymous 03.26.07 - 12:46 am

“There's no getting through to that crazy bitch. We're not the problem with her and BG SHE'S THE PROBLEM. Her obsession, control, lies and posting of real names etc is what caused their friendship to end. Thank God BG saw through Denise before it was too late unlike Anna who wasn't so lucky. Like now BG may be at least resting or hopefully asleep but I may need to call her and let her know Crazy skipped a dose. See Denise that girl is why I can't stand you!”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 12:53 am

“Oh she will love that Sam and by the way, good shoot at banning me. I was with her 16 years Sam. You? She needs someone tomorrow and I should be there. How dare you imply otherwise! You have no idea of what you speak. Gene, please take care of her and I never wished her death! Why she cares for you people I will never understand. G'NITE users!” ~NotADentist / Denise 03.26.07 - 1:01 am

“Can banned people still comment? 16 years wow. Is that how long it'll take for you to leave her alone and stop attacking her real friends?”
Samantha 03.26.07 - 1:04 am

“I'll be here babysitting the board...loverly..the phone is charged and waiting BG if you read this and want to call.” ~Samantha 03.26.07 - 1:24 am

I watched the NotADentist/Samantha tussle for about an hour before turning in. When I logged on the following morning, I noticed an admin had edited NotADentist’s post by attaching “Denise” to the signature. It was one thing for Samantha to out Denise if that’s who she thought the person was, but it’s wrong for an admin to willfully expose any poster other than a monkey. Max was away and I seriously doubted Louise would do such a thing, so I checked the out clicks at Sitemeter, which confirmed that Shina Hart was responsible for the change.

Apparently, Shina deleted the 12:18 am post by NotADentist, sometime after Anonymous @ 12:33 am blockquoted it. However, Shina edited out names from the 12:33 am remarks as indicated in the actual post. With all these revisions, I was surprised to see a mistake that had been overlooked. A post following one of Shina’s had become merged with hers. I don’t know how that happens, but it has something to do with the way one blockquotes. In any event, I fixed it.

I was anxious to see Baby Girl’s reaction to the Denise scrimmage, especially after the Howard K. Stern analogy. Personally, I thought it was distasteful to criticize Denise, considering she had been a personal friend of Baby Girl’s. I rationalized that any differences they had were between the two of them and were none of my business. Furthermore, Denise seemed to care for BG and I didn’t perceive her comments as attacks. Nevertheless, Denise was banned from posting in early January 2007 for revealing personal information that was deleted in short order. Any subsequent posts with her nic were through an AOL IP.
