"Your IP address will be hidden and changed to our address located in Texas, USA. Your IP address is your online identity and hiding behind ours using the free proxy will enable you to become anonymous."
Referring Link: http://www.hidemyass.com/
c-76-117-94-83.hsd1.pa.comcast.net (
Pennsylvania, Aston
Comcast Cable Communications Inc
IP postcode: 19026 [Drexel Hill]
IP address latitude: 39.948200 IP address longitude: -75.305496
MSIE 7.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return Visits 7
4th December 2008, 10:01:19 PM - www.hidemyass.com/
The IP did not originate from Texas as hidemyass promised. And while my detailed report indicates the region is Aston, Pennsylvania, the postal code along with coordinates pinpoint the IP to Drexel Hill, a distance of about twelve miles from Aston and some 1300 miles from Texas. All of which had no significant meaning to me other than the fact that hidemyass is not a reliable proxy server. As far as I can tell, the only item hidemyass obscured is the link to the URL the visitor requested. The proxy redirected the link back to its own URL, which is a clever way to have the foolhardy advertise their site!
What was baffling, however, is that seven visits had been logged for this IP, and since deceptive people have a tendency to be sloppy, I thought it worthwhile to take a second look at my stats. For lack of a better term I shall refer to the anonymous visitor as ‘Sneaky’.
I learned that all records for pa.comcast.net reported as Aston, Pennsylvania with matching system specs as listed above originated from Drexel Hill unless otherwise noted.
MSIE 7.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return Visits 6
8th November 2008, 02:25:44 PM - www.youhide.com/
IP postcode: 19018 [Clifton Heights]
IP address latitude: 39.922100 IP address longitude: -75.294502
MSIE 7.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return Visits 5
14th October 2008, 07:04:44 PM - gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/
Multiple visits, MSIE 7.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return Visits 3
7th October 2008, 08:28:10 PM - No referring link
9th October 2008, 09:11:56 PM - www.youranonymousproxy.com/
MSIE 7.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return Visits 2
23rd September 2008, 10:38:12 AM - No referring link
Oops! Sneaky didn’t fare much better with youhide.com or youranonymousproxy.com, but Clifton Heights surely rang a familiar bell!
For over a year I have had a guest whose visits with a Clifton Heights IP were so frequent that, at times, she was in a dead heat with the irritating Contessa for frequent lurker miles. Subsequent to a casual reference concerning her visits in my August entry, the Clifton Heights IP abruptly dropped off the radar screen.
That is, until Sneaky got messy!
dhcp026.dental.upenn.edu (
Pennsylvania, Clifton Heights
University Of Pennsylvania
IP postcode: 19104 [Philadelphia]
IP address latitude: 39.959702 IP address longitude: -75.196800
MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 800x600, Return Visits 0
2nd October 2008, 12:47:59 PM
Entry Page: bloggershallofshame.blogspot.com/2007/06/visit-from-google.html
Exit Page: bloggershallofshame.blogspot.com/2007/06/visit-from-google.html
Referring URL: www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1613071&highlight=Papillon
What’s interesting about this particular record is the referring URL. In August 2007, a few of my entries were posted in a private area at the Websleuths’ forum. Non-members are denied access to the area. The fact that Sneaky searched for ‘Papillon’ at that forum indicates she had knowledge of the thread’s existence and is a member of Websleuths. It’s also confirmation that Sneaky continues to prowl the Internet at work, all the while visiting my site with her flimsy disguises after hours and weekends. To be certain this is the same cyberslacker and because all stats before September 23rd are long gone from this site, I reviewed the records for ‘Good Timber’, which doesn’t accrue much traffic, where I found an identical match dating back to 2007.
dhcp026.dental.upenn.edu (
Pennsylvania, Clifton Heights
University Of Pennsylvania
IP postcode: 19104 [Philadelphia]
IP address latitude: 39.959702 IP address longitude: -75.196800
MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 800x600, Return Visits 0
21st December 2007, 09:09:34 AM - www.blogger.com/profile/10443435392664598198
Note: Prior to December 2007, Sneaky's cyberslacking IP was:
Host: node4.uphs.upenn.edu (
Region: Pennsylvania, City: Philadelphia
University Of Pennsylvania
IP postcode: 19104 [Philadelphia]
IP address latitude: 39.959702 IP address longitude: -75.196800
Multiple visits, MSIE 6.0, Windows 2000, 1024x789
27th August 2007, 03:49:35 PM - www.blogger.com/profile/10443435392664598198
26th September 2007, 09:18:08 AM - www.blogger.com/profile/10443435392664598198
I can’t imagine why anyone who is employed by an Ivy League institution would occupy his or her time with such juvenile conduct, yet a 2005 survey indicates that employees in the field of education ranked #4 in the top five ‘time wasting industries’.
America Online and Salary.com conducted the in-depth research related to time wasted at work. A team of Certified Compensation Professionals analyzed the data and the results are stunning. Salary.com calculated that employers spend $759 billion per year on salaries for which real work was expected, but not actually performed.
A staggering figure although calculated in 2005, still overshadows Obama’s economic stimulus package.
Survey results:
Personal Internet use topped the list of distractions by respondents at 44.7%. The Insurance industry leads the group of slackers by admittedly wasting an estimated 2.5 hours per day. That’s roughly 1.5 hours in excess of the time Human Resource Managers expect workers to waste. As for time-wasting excuses, “Don’t have enough work to do” finished first at 33.2%.
Cyberslacking in the workplace is not only a productivity and financial problem; it’s an inherent liability risk for employers as well. An employer may be accountable for employee’s posting defamatory material if the employer is the Internet Service Provider. Most companies have established policies governing computer and Internet use. In fact, Upenn has a comprehensive list of Computing Policies.
Quote: Each person with access to the University's computing resources is responsible for their appropriate use and by their use agrees to comply with all applicable University, School, and departmental policies and regulations.
Speaking of risks, Wikipedia explains the hazards involved when using anonymous proxy servers.
Quote: When using a proxy server all data sent to the service being used must pass through the proxy server before being sent to the service, mostly in unencrypted form. It is therefore possible, as has been demonstrated, for a malicious proxy server to record everything sent to the proxy: including unencrypted logins and passwords. Whenever a proxy is used you are at risk that someone "in the middle" can read your data.
In fact, Norton Safe Web analyzed hidemyass.com for safety and security problems and identified three threats to computers.
So, not only are anonymous proxies such as hidemyass ineffectual, but they potentially expose the user to sniffing proxies in addition. I have little sympathy for the habitual lurker who assumes they are pulling the wool over my eyes. And now that I know Sneaky is a Pound mutt by proxy, I’m inclined to be even less charitable. I don’t know why Sneaky is so obsessed with me, but when a person’s virtual addiction requires camouflage the rational conclusion is those visits are not of a sociable nature!
Get a freaking grip, lady! If you don’t want to be seen visiting a site, don’t go there. It's really that simple!
A link for cyberslackers:
Another impotent proxy I found while reviewing stat records.
0 seconds, Firefox 3.0.3, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 0
Warren Rhode Island United States
19-109.193.popsite.net ( [Nashville, TN]
IP address latitude: 36.145802 IP address longitude: -86.784401
15th November 2008 01:13:09 AM - patsyspalace.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2008-11-12T23%3A37%3A00-05%3A00&max-results=2
13 seconds, Firefox 3.0.3, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 0
New York United States
04-182.193.popsite.net ( [Nashville, TN]
IP address latitude: 36.145802 IP address longitude: -86.784401
22nd November 2008 04:26:03 AM - No referring link
22nd November 2008 04:26:16 AM - No referring link
A location match from Good Timber dating back to 2007.
26 seconds, Firefox 2.0.0, Windows XP, unknown
Nashville Tennessee United States
adsl-154-196-150.ard.bellsouth.net (
IP address latitude: 36.145802 IP address longitude: -86.784401
3rd July 2007 05:08:59 AM -
3rd July 2007 05:09:25 AM -
While reviewing stats for this entry it became obvious that Sneaky isn’t the only one with way too much time on her hands!
AOL Insomniacs!
17th October 2008
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-af10.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 02:42:33 AM - No referring link
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ah13.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 02:43:18 AM - gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ae10.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 02:57:58 AM - No referring link
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ag06.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 02:58:17 AM -
gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/search?q=stupid redneck
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ab06.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:00:59 AM -
gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/search?q=mess with me%3F
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ah01.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:04:56 AM - No referring link
gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/search?q=mess with me%3F
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ag10.proxy.aol.com (
17th October IJ008 03:05:57 AM - gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/search?q=mess with me%3F
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ae09.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:08:52 AM -
Multiple, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ab01.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:13:53 AM - No referring link
30th October 2008 04:55:34 AM - No referring link
Multiple, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768 , Return 1
cache-dtc-ag05.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:14:03 AM -
22nd October 2008 09:36:51 AM - No referring link
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:14:29 AM -
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ac10.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:15:30 AM -
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-aa11.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:15:46 AM - www.blogger.com/profile/10443435392664598198
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-ah09.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 03:15:54 AM - bloggershallofshame.blogspot.com/
0 seconds, MSIE 6.0, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
cache-dtc-af02.proxy.aol.com (
17th October 2008 04:10:53 AM - No referring link
4th November 2008
22 mins 37 secs, Firefox 3.0.3, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 0
ACA36483.ipt.aol.com (
4th November 2008 01:44:47 AM - No referring link
4th November 2008 01:54:08 AM - www.google.com/reader/view/
4th November 2008 01:56:20 AM -
www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID=3356222045673218643&blogName=Gone With the Wind&publishMode=PUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT&navbarType=BLUE&layoutType=LAYOUTS&homepageUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fgone-with-thewind.blogspot.com%2F&searchRoot=http%3A%2F%2Fgone-with-
gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/search?q=Walling Road
4th November 2008 01:57:40 AM -
www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID=3356222045673218643&blogName=Gone With the Wind&publishMode=PUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT&navbarType=BLUE&layoutType=LAYOUTS&homepageUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fgone-with-thewind.blogspot.com%2F&searchRoot=http%3A%2F%2Fgone-with-
4th November 2008 01:58:12 AM -
www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID=3356222045673218643&blogName=Gone With the Wind&publishMode=PUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT&navbarType=BLUE&layoutType=LAYOUTS&homepageUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fgone-with-thewind.blogspot.com%2F&searchRoot=http%3A%2F%2Fgone-with-
4th November 2008 02:03:38 AM -
www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID=3356222045673218643&blogName=Gone With the Wind&publishMode=PUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT&navbarType=BLUE&layoutType=LAYOUTS&homepageUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fgone-with-thewind.blogspot.com%2F&searchRoot=http%3A%2F%2Fgone-with-
4th November 2008 02:04:12 AM - gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/search?q=I%27m sorry you hate me so much wish you would talk to me
4th November 2008 02:07:24 AM - gone-with-thewind.blogspot.com/2007/07/pandoras-box.html
Unreal! A link for AOL nocturnal creatures:
A Pound Mutt!
7th November 2008
1 hour 12 mins 34 secs, Firefox 3.0.3, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
AC838548.ipt.aol.com (
7th November 2008 11:06:20 AM - www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=haloscan%3A meet the family anne the-pound&btnG=Search
7th November 2008 12:12:03 PM - No referring link
7th November 2008 12:12:39 PM - bloggershallofshame.blogspot.com/
7th November 2008 12:13:57 PM - bloggershallofshame.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html
7th November 2008 12:14:55 PM -
7th November 2008 12:15:43 PM -
7th November 2008 12:16:59 PM -
7th November 2008 12:18:54 PM -
0 seconds, Firefox 3.0.3, Windows XP, 1024x768, Return 1
AC838548.ipt.aol.com (
7th November 2008 12:24:47 PM - No referring link
C r e e p y . . .
isn't it?
Pa rum pum pum pum