I was never able to reconcile Chrishina Leann Hart’s act of treason in May 2006. Since the betrayal didn’t involve me, I watched the fallout as a bewildered silent spectator.
I remember one of the first reactions to the sordid mess was when an agitated Anonymous poster expressed disgust at the “Judas Kiss” to which Chrishina responded with a brusque “Fuck You”! I recall reading a pompous self-serving narrative at Shina’s blog that served as a poor substitute for a much-needed honest explanation of her spontaneous sabotage. It was a belligerent entry as opposed to apologetic and so I viewed it with cautious skepticism.
Over time, lies become firmly entrenched due to poor fact checking and since details never add up with Chrishina Leann Hart of Tennessee, her perpetual myths necessitate closer examination.
Reality Check:
Chrishina admitted that during the Peterson trial she engaged in clandestine activities at CTV. She informed a few of us that her principal function at the popular message board was identifying comments authored by Loretta and the misfits. She gloated over reporting them to Coldwater and how the respective posters were thereafter banned. Chrishina didn’t say she targeted the misfits at CTV on behalf of friends, she simply relished the role of whistleblower.
There is also material evidence (Posted by Troll or is it Mole? at November 5, 2004 02:27 AM) that Chrishina trolled the misfitting site in 2004, which is tangible proof “the shitload of fun” harassed Loretta and the misfits long before Bogbusters or subsequent blogs ever existed.
After connecting with a group of people who gathered at Bogbusters to discuss Loretta Serrano and her notorious online activities, Chrishina wrote:
”Really LowBitch since when? Anyway be ready for the hell about to come down on your head BITCH! You haven't seen trolling till you fuck with a troll's friends! And LowBitch that's not a threat it's a promise! ~11.06.05 - 10:00 pm
Samantha (Chrishina Leann Hart)“
Chrishina’s veracity was precarious to say the least. She sent her online friends photos of an attractive young woman claiming the images were of her. She certainly wasn’t up front with her purported friends and fashioned tall tales such as the following on May 16, 2006:
“Sorry it took me so long to reply, it was one of those days~gah. I actually spoke with 4 officers at RRPD each one told me something different.
First one was very concerned when I read him what she had written. He immediately sent someone to her home. Of course she's not there, and me not being the cruel bitch she claims didn't send them to her job. This officer also told me to gather my evidence and send the file to them as well as the District Attorney's Office.
Second and third said about the same things but offered this lovely advice. Just turn the computer off and ignore her. Uh huh ok. But the last officer I spoke with said they have been to her home several times and they finally spoke with her. Of course she had a different story to tell and said she was going to sue me for you name it and then some. He said he told her he didn't care what the reason or how justified she felt it's still stalking. That she better hope she can prove what she has written on the Internet about me, because they're turning the files over to the state as soon as they are received.
The stupid bitch openly admitted to sending people to TN! He said she tried to laugh and make jokes but he let her know this was not a social call. She also showed him the blogs that were created in hopes that we would stop stalking her. He said he told her that doesn't make sense. Since when do you commit a crime to solve a crime? He also let me know that if she can prove I have stalked her she too can press charges. But get this. I haven't stalked her according to the law. I have never been to OH or sent anyone there to threaten or research her so I could threaten her. That's where she screwed up.
Anyway RRPD is very aware of the situation and gave me this piece of advice too. Stay away from this woman she's not stable.
Now that she has openly admitted to stalking me (to a cop!) which will be in the police report her ass is going to court if not jail. Dad is also fed up with her and he plans to contact RRPD today. He said if he has to fly there today he will, but this bitch is going to leave his family alone. How stupid can you be to stalk a cop's daughter? Not only that but brag about it to the cop who is there to make a report?
Loretta Serrano a Fucktard? Absolutely!
I have to get in the shower and get ready to meet with the attorneys. I'm not going to send one thing to RRiver, my attorneys can and will however if they think I have a case. The attorney I work for thinks I have a strong case, but he doesn't practice stalking by proxy as he put it lol.
Ok I'm off hope everyone has a great day!”
LOL! I'm always amused when grown children allegedly rely on their parent’s assistance when, in reality, they should bear responsibility for their own foolhardy dilemmas. The fact of the matter is Chrishina does have a "strong case", which isn’t related to stalking, but it's homogeneous with indebtedness.
If Mr. Canler were trained in law enforcement he would have instructed his adult offspring to wake up and smell the coffee, turn the computer off, and seek gainful employment. Had he investigated his daughter’s abhorrent online activities he would have discovered that Chrishina Leann Hart is a virtual cyber punk, a high-octane cyberstalker, and the primary source of endless online social turbulence!
On 10/9/05, Chrishina Leann Hart filed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy as a joint Debtor under Chapter 13 along with a request to pay the filing fees in installments. The petition was classified as Individual, Consumer/ Non Business in the state of Tennessee with Chrishina’s occupation categorized as a homemaker. The debtor’s prior bankruptcy of 4/3/01 was duly noted as were personal property items such as, 2 computers, 2 TVS, and three dogs.
Within four days, Chrishina using the nic anony.authorunknown, published Loretta Serrano’s address at the Usenet forum as well as a link to a google map to her residence. Post after post Chrishina Leann Hart strenuously pursued Loretta Serrano each time revealing more particulars about her prey.
From (Chrishina): <anony.authorunknown_at_gmail.com>
Date: 15 Oct 2005 19:15:03 –0700
"You ready to play? You may want to get your groupies I have lots to share with you about a cyber stalker, and I wouldn't want them to miss a thing. Did you hear me? GO GET YOUR GROUPIES! I'll be waiting!"
From (Chrishina): <anony.authorunknown_at_gmail.com>
Date: 15 Oct 2005 19:26:55 –0700
"I am paging a Loretta Marie Dillemuth, Smith, Tucker, Serrano, Dillon. The same one who runs a weblog named misfitting.com, the same Loretta who published her web log and called it a book about the Scott Peterson case. Father is B*RN*RD DILL*MUTH and mother is KATHLEEN M*NAGHAN DILL*MUTH of CLEVELAND, AVON LAKE OHIO"
Chrishina summarized Loretta’s marital history, pronounced her unfit as a mother while referring to her as a drunk, drug abuser, and other vulgar names. She crossed the line of decency by naming anyone related to her target along with their respective locations and provided links to photos of Loretta’s offspring, which included minor children. Chrishina also tracked and published Loretta’s IP among others.
From (Chrishina): <anony.authorunknown_at_gmail.com>
From (Chrishina): RetzQ3 <LorettaDillon_at_gmail.com>
Date: 30 Oct 2005 09:28:50 -0800
Location information for
WESTWOOD, Ohio, United States
Loretta Dillon have we created another nick? LOL
Chrishina publicized a personal email allegedly composed by a member of Loretta’s family. She posted a link to a photo of Loretta, which gradually transformed the image into a dreadful looking creature. All of the above were posted in duplicate and triplicate on various threads using different nics by the impoverished frenzied lunatic. Records indicate that Chrishina Leann Hart was, without a doubt, the aggressor at Usenet all the while exhibiting social deviant behavior.
Inasmuch as Chrishina insisted “LowBitch” had “never hurt her feelings” the question is what fueled her uncivilized course of action? As her reprehensible conduct escalated she not only posted details of Loretta’s driver’s record, but also those of the misfit's daughter and Loretta's estranged husband.
Only a flipping idiot would complain to the RRPD in light of the extensive online documentation of her own obtrusive stalking behavior. If Loretta Serrano dispatched anyone to Tennessee it should have been the men in white coats!
When Chrishina impersonated Loretta’s adult daughters a casual observer, (krp ~) at Usenet wrote, “I thought I had seen about every disgusting thing on the net I could see. This is up there.”
The account Chrishina used for the repulsive offense was subsequently banned for violating Google Group’s Terms of Service, but that didn’t stop the charlatan from assuming other identities.
From: Loretta Serrano (Chrishina)<Retzq1_at_gmail.com>
Date: 31 Oct 2005 12:17:34 –0800
Loretta wrote: "BTW - I have re-registered through Google using my legal name. Should anyone register using this exact name and post as though they are me, would constitute identity fraud. It's one thing to rip off a nickname, it's another matter to take my legal name and post with it on Usenet with an AOL IP (and I never have and never will have an AOL account)- that would probably constitute actual fraud. A word to the wise. Not that trolls are wise, but their stupidity can become criminal."
Now there’s an interesting challenge from someone who forfeited control of her financial life to a court appointed trustee three times due to her own negligence. A codependent that has no concept of what self-reliance means without succor from the US Bankruptcy Courts. An indolent harridan whose claim to fame is spending countless hours on the Internet divulging personal information about people and then crying foul when the victims of her uncontrolled rage take her to task for her calculated lies, groundless allegations, reprehensible innuendo, and contemptible conduct. Loretta would need to take a number and join the line of creditors waiting for payment from Chrishina Leann Hart!
WARRANT NO. 173678
I should mention at this time that it’s rather hypocritical of Loretta to complain about the misuse of her legal name considering the number of blogs that were created, at random, in other people’s legal names with her blessing and major contributions. Nevertheless, one of the most astonishing acts of stupidity I have ever witnessed is that Loretta blamed the wrong person for stalking her at Usenet just because the poster was an AOL user.
From: RetzQ2 <lmds_at_visn.net>
Date: 29 Oct 2005 07:49:47 -0700
I sent one e-mail to her editor at JM making him aware of his "victim's advocate" guest writer bashing people from my site (and me) on that bogbuster site. It is a very unprofessional way in which a person who wants to be taken seriously as a victim's advocate should behave. I'm sure if I had a column that she and a few others would have sent my (out of context) opinion about New Orleans and the scum drowning in the flood to whomever would read it. As it is, they have posted it all over cyberspace.
By the way, I am not ashamed of that opinion and I still wish the scum of NOLA had all drowned. Too bad they didn't. You really should do your homework before you jump down people's throats. It's so repulsive and such a poor way to get a point across.
I posted D*anna's email to me to demonstrate the remarkable disparity between her adulation and gushing praise of me a year ago, and her flagrant, vile, obscene attacks of me today over here on Usenet. Did I start that nonsense? No. Again, if people are going to attack me with words I allegedly said, I can show words they REALLY SAID to support my side of the story.
From: RetzQ2 <lmds_at_visn.net>
Date: 29 Oct 2005 21:23:33 -0700
“D*anna's IP coincidentally matches all the fake impersonations of my name, that of my daughters', the troll posting the "Personal Ad," the troll posting family names and other information, map to my house, my kids' pictures, other defamatory remarks, profanity, lewd comments and other psychotic garbage.
She obviously has a serious mental illness. She should get a bed at the facility where she works - if she still works there. She's been busted for her online activities, apparently. That's life in the big city. What goes around comes around, D*anna. I hope you get what you deserve. It's not going to be pretty. “
From: RetzQ2 <lmds_at_visn.net>
Date: 30 Oct 2005 06:24:44 -0800
Forking MOWron. It's the same IP - every single one of this stupid woman's trolling posts and fake names is the EXACT SAME IP! No other person here is using that IP. She's so stupid, she is a danger to herself and others.
Fascinating! You really couldn’t make this stuff up!
After Loretta posted all the personal information she could find about D*anna/Peace, including former spouse’s names, son’s names with links to their blogs, and threatened to call her employer, Chrishina Leann Hart made a confession using Loretta's nic.
Newsgroups: misc.legal
From: "RetzQ" (Chrishina)
Date: 31 Oct 2005 00:32:09 -0800
Local: Mon, Oct 31 2005 3:32 am
Subject: Re: Snip~ I do wish that the scum of New Orleans had all
“Loretta my God woman will you just admit to the fact you're wrong and move on? Oh wait you already did once. I am the person posting those pictures of you, your kids, maps, and personal ads. You know that already but you still insist on harassing Peace about it. Why? Because you have her contact information but not mine? You think you're skeery to Peace? Peace is not in afraid of you, nor am I.
I freely admit that it is I who posted that about you, what are you going to do about it? Nothing! Or harass someone else about it? Why not take it up with me? You skeered?”
10/09/05 – Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition
10/09/05 - Application to Pay Filing Fees ($194.00) in Installments
10/13/05–10/16/05: anony.authorunknown_at_gmail.com (31)
10/17/05 - Order to Pay Trustee by Payroll Deduction
10/18/05-10/23/05: DrNBuster_at_gmail.com (23)
10/18/05-10/24/05: drnbuster2_at_gmail.com (26)
10/25/05-10/26/05: betchinbanjo_at_gmail.com (22)
10/26/05-10/28/05: JacqandEvonne_at_gmail.com (17)
(This account has been banned because
it violated the Google Groups Terms of Use)
10/29/05: LorettaDillon_at_gmail.com (17)
10/30/05: RetzQ2_at_gmail.com (23)
10/30/05: RetzQ3 <LorettaDillon_at_gmail.com> (15)
10/31/05: Loretta Serrano <Retzq1_at_gmail.com> (3)
10/31/05: misfitting dot com <Retzq1_at_gmail.com> (5)
10/31/05: Retzq1_at_gmail.com (13)
11/1/05-11/4/05: misfitting dot com <Retzq1_at_gmail.com> (7)
11/4/05-11/5/05 : RetzQ <Retzq1_at_gmail.com> (10)
11/5/05: r..._at_misfitting.com (23)
11/6/05-11/13/05: Samantha <BBSamantha_at_gmail.com> (66)
11/15/05 - Notice of Appearance and Request for Service
pursuant to Rule 2002 (On behalf of the Finance Company)
11/19/05-11/20/05: <SamanthaBB_at_gmail.com> (4)
11/21/05: LoverofCandles_at_gmail.com (2)
11/22/05 - Meeting of Creditors Chapter 13
341(a) meeting at 01:00 PM
11/23/05 - Order for Payroll Deduction
Amended to increase deduction.
11/23/05 - Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan
5/17/06-5/18/06: Miss Beehavin <beaconoftruth_at_aol.com> (3)
5/18/06-5/19/06: MissBeehavin1959_at_gmail.com (2)
5/20/06-5/22/06: KathleenDillemuth_at_gmail.com (40)
Accumulating more than three hundred derisive comments at Usenet in two months, Chrishina played fast and loose with personal information hurling captious insults at anyone that responded to her chronic intrusions. When Loretta learned her stalker's identity and turned the tables on Chrishina...
“Miss Beehavin’ didn’t like it one bit.
From: RetzQ - view profile
Date: Wed, May 17 2006 8:43 am
Email: "RetzQ"
Groups: misc.legal
“If I hear from any LE people, I'll be delighted to bring the 1" and growing dossier on Shina Hart. It would actually be quite interesting. But, I'm sure Ms. Hart has no intentions of bringing LE into her little games. Instead, she just creates more bashing blogs like a 5th grader. I have no time for it.”
MissBeehavin1959_at_gmail.com ~Fri May 19 2006 - 22:42:01 PDT
“The point is you Loretta Smith aka Loretta Serrano falsely accuse people of things they've not done because you can't prove their identify so you just pull one of the names you do know out of the hat and run with it. Then one day you're proven wrong about your accusations and still you refuse to admit you were wrong. That's the point Loretta Dillon aka Loretta Serrano aka Loretta Serrano Dillon aka Loretta Dillon Serrano aka Fucktard Bitch Trog! Speaking of slanderous bashing blogs how many do you do co-own about numerous people?”
Chrishina Leann Hart's Blogs:
(Former and current)
A few of the hate blogs Chrishina created didn’t focus on Loretta exclusively. The self-professed troll targeted any misfit she had compiled information about and published personal details including locations and home phone numbers. She willfully included photographs of relatives and minor children that were lifted from various misfit websites.
About the phone calls to RRPD? Here's what Loretta had to say!
Usenet: Retzq - May 20, 2006 @ 11:06 AM
“Well, regardless of where you trace it, I happen to know for a FACT that the IP belongs to Shina Hart of Tennessee. She lives near Clarksville, in Springfield. This woman is a self-professed "troll" and harasser and has bragged here on Usent, in Muttville, and on my blog about her menacing and malicious online antics for the past two years.
Recently, she has claimed to have called the local police to report me for stalking and harassing her. This is quite funny. I have yet to hear from anyone. Meanwhile, she continues to create nicks to harass me on Usenet. (Note that she continues to follow me here), and now she's using names of members of my family (again, like she did last fall) to harass me.
Obviously in her manic mode last night (she is mentally ill by her own admission and probably needs medication to combat the manic phases), she was too impulsive and careless to change over to AOL or at least to use a proxy to post. Thus, she posted using the same IP to answer herself using "MissBehavin" and KathleenD. Oops. Note also that she did this at 3 in the morning.
The only reason I am even responding to this is to have it on the record just in case she and your little mutt pals get it in their cotton candy brains to try and prove that Shina Hart is innocent of harassment, defamation, malicious mischief, stalking, and other online terrorism.“
From: Kathleen Dillemuth (Chrishina)<KathleenDillemuth_at_gmail.com>
Date: 20 May 2006 17:17:15 -0700
"Hey Loretta Dillon aka Loretta Serrano call Shina at 1-615-346-2800!"
(Rejection Hotline) - TENNESSEE
901-328-8380 (Memphis), 615-346-2800 (Nashville)
From: Kathleen Dillemuth (Chrishina)
Date: 21 May 2006 16:41:16 –0700
"Hello Everybody! Since Loretta has refused to leave me alone I have no choice but to defend myself against her attacks. ~pah such is life."
I imagine this is when Chrishina Leann Hart made the critical decision to defect and subsequently hung her friends out to dry! It's a reasonable assumption that she made one heck of a sweet deal with Loretta Serrano considering her Tribute Blog was suspended for five months while those remaining were periodically updated. What a pathetic loser!
Daddy must be so proud of his little girl’s lifetime achievements!
I remember one of the first reactions to the sordid mess was when an agitated Anonymous poster expressed disgust at the “Judas Kiss” to which Chrishina responded with a brusque “Fuck You”! I recall reading a pompous self-serving narrative at Shina’s blog that served as a poor substitute for a much-needed honest explanation of her spontaneous sabotage. It was a belligerent entry as opposed to apologetic and so I viewed it with cautious skepticism.
Over time, lies become firmly entrenched due to poor fact checking and since details never add up with Chrishina Leann Hart of Tennessee, her perpetual myths necessitate closer examination.
Reality Check:
Chrishina admitted that during the Peterson trial she engaged in clandestine activities at CTV. She informed a few of us that her principal function at the popular message board was identifying comments authored by Loretta and the misfits. She gloated over reporting them to Coldwater and how the respective posters were thereafter banned. Chrishina didn’t say she targeted the misfits at CTV on behalf of friends, she simply relished the role of whistleblower.
There is also material evidence (Posted by Troll or is it Mole? at November 5, 2004 02:27 AM) that Chrishina trolled the misfitting site in 2004, which is tangible proof “the shitload of fun” harassed Loretta and the misfits long before Bogbusters or subsequent blogs ever existed.
After connecting with a group of people who gathered at Bogbusters to discuss Loretta Serrano and her notorious online activities, Chrishina wrote:
”Really LowBitch since when? Anyway be ready for the hell about to come down on your head BITCH! You haven't seen trolling till you fuck with a troll's friends! And LowBitch that's not a threat it's a promise! ~11.06.05 - 10:00 pm
Samantha (Chrishina Leann Hart)“
Chrishina’s veracity was precarious to say the least. She sent her online friends photos of an attractive young woman claiming the images were of her. She certainly wasn’t up front with her purported friends and fashioned tall tales such as the following on May 16, 2006:
“Sorry it took me so long to reply, it was one of those days~gah. I actually spoke with 4 officers at RRPD each one told me something different.
First one was very concerned when I read him what she had written. He immediately sent someone to her home. Of course she's not there, and me not being the cruel bitch she claims didn't send them to her job. This officer also told me to gather my evidence and send the file to them as well as the District Attorney's Office.
Second and third said about the same things but offered this lovely advice. Just turn the computer off and ignore her. Uh huh ok. But the last officer I spoke with said they have been to her home several times and they finally spoke with her. Of course she had a different story to tell and said she was going to sue me for you name it and then some. He said he told her he didn't care what the reason or how justified she felt it's still stalking. That she better hope she can prove what she has written on the Internet about me, because they're turning the files over to the state as soon as they are received.
The stupid bitch openly admitted to sending people to TN! He said she tried to laugh and make jokes but he let her know this was not a social call. She also showed him the blogs that were created in hopes that we would stop stalking her. He said he told her that doesn't make sense. Since when do you commit a crime to solve a crime? He also let me know that if she can prove I have stalked her she too can press charges. But get this. I haven't stalked her according to the law. I have never been to OH or sent anyone there to threaten or research her so I could threaten her. That's where she screwed up.
Anyway RRPD is very aware of the situation and gave me this piece of advice too. Stay away from this woman she's not stable.
Now that she has openly admitted to stalking me (to a cop!) which will be in the police report her ass is going to court if not jail. Dad is also fed up with her and he plans to contact RRPD today. He said if he has to fly there today he will, but this bitch is going to leave his family alone. How stupid can you be to stalk a cop's daughter? Not only that but brag about it to the cop who is there to make a report?
Loretta Serrano a Fucktard? Absolutely!
I have to get in the shower and get ready to meet with the attorneys. I'm not going to send one thing to RRiver, my attorneys can and will however if they think I have a case. The attorney I work for thinks I have a strong case, but he doesn't practice stalking by proxy as he put it lol.
Ok I'm off hope everyone has a great day!”
LOL! I'm always amused when grown children allegedly rely on their parent’s assistance when, in reality, they should bear responsibility for their own foolhardy dilemmas. The fact of the matter is Chrishina does have a "strong case", which isn’t related to stalking, but it's homogeneous with indebtedness.
If Mr. Canler were trained in law enforcement he would have instructed his adult offspring to wake up and smell the coffee, turn the computer off, and seek gainful employment. Had he investigated his daughter’s abhorrent online activities he would have discovered that Chrishina Leann Hart is a virtual cyber punk, a high-octane cyberstalker, and the primary source of endless online social turbulence!
On 10/9/05, Chrishina Leann Hart filed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy as a joint Debtor under Chapter 13 along with a request to pay the filing fees in installments. The petition was classified as Individual, Consumer/ Non Business in the state of Tennessee with Chrishina’s occupation categorized as a homemaker. The debtor’s prior bankruptcy of 4/3/01 was duly noted as were personal property items such as, 2 computers, 2 TVS, and three dogs.
Within four days, Chrishina using the nic anony.authorunknown, published Loretta Serrano’s address at the Usenet forum as well as a link to a google map to her residence. Post after post Chrishina Leann Hart strenuously pursued Loretta Serrano each time revealing more particulars about her prey.
From (Chrishina): <anony.authorunknown_at_gmail.com>
Date: 15 Oct 2005 19:15:03 –0700
"You ready to play? You may want to get your groupies I have lots to share with you about a cyber stalker, and I wouldn't want them to miss a thing. Did you hear me? GO GET YOUR GROUPIES! I'll be waiting!"
From (Chrishina): <anony.authorunknown_at_gmail.com>
Date: 15 Oct 2005 19:26:55 –0700
"I am paging a Loretta Marie Dillemuth, Smith, Tucker, Serrano, Dillon. The same one who runs a weblog named misfitting.com, the same Loretta who published her web log and called it a book about the Scott Peterson case. Father is B*RN*RD DILL*MUTH and mother is KATHLEEN M*NAGHAN DILL*MUTH of CLEVELAND, AVON LAKE OHIO"
Chrishina summarized Loretta’s marital history, pronounced her unfit as a mother while referring to her as a drunk, drug abuser, and other vulgar names. She crossed the line of decency by naming anyone related to her target along with their respective locations and provided links to photos of Loretta’s offspring, which included minor children. Chrishina also tracked and published Loretta’s IP among others.
From (Chrishina): <anony.authorunknown_at_gmail.com>
From (Chrishina): RetzQ3 <LorettaDillon_at_gmail.com>
Date: 30 Oct 2005 09:28:50 -0800
Location information for
WESTWOOD, Ohio, United States
Loretta Dillon have we created another nick? LOL
Chrishina publicized a personal email allegedly composed by a member of Loretta’s family. She posted a link to a photo of Loretta, which gradually transformed the image into a dreadful looking creature. All of the above were posted in duplicate and triplicate on various threads using different nics by the impoverished frenzied lunatic. Records indicate that Chrishina Leann Hart was, without a doubt, the aggressor at Usenet all the while exhibiting social deviant behavior.
Inasmuch as Chrishina insisted “LowBitch” had “never hurt her feelings” the question is what fueled her uncivilized course of action? As her reprehensible conduct escalated she not only posted details of Loretta’s driver’s record, but also those of the misfit's daughter and Loretta's estranged husband.
Only a flipping idiot would complain to the RRPD in light of the extensive online documentation of her own obtrusive stalking behavior. If Loretta Serrano dispatched anyone to Tennessee it should have been the men in white coats!
When Chrishina impersonated Loretta’s adult daughters a casual observer, (krp ~) at Usenet wrote, “I thought I had seen about every disgusting thing on the net I could see. This is up there.”
The account Chrishina used for the repulsive offense was subsequently banned for violating Google Group’s Terms of Service, but that didn’t stop the charlatan from assuming other identities.
From: Loretta Serrano (Chrishina)<Retzq1_at_gmail.com>
Date: 31 Oct 2005 12:17:34 –0800
Loretta wrote: "BTW - I have re-registered through Google using my legal name. Should anyone register using this exact name and post as though they are me, would constitute identity fraud. It's one thing to rip off a nickname, it's another matter to take my legal name and post with it on Usenet with an AOL IP (and I never have and never will have an AOL account)- that would probably constitute actual fraud. A word to the wise. Not that trolls are wise, but their stupidity can become criminal."
Now there’s an interesting challenge from someone who forfeited control of her financial life to a court appointed trustee three times due to her own negligence. A codependent that has no concept of what self-reliance means without succor from the US Bankruptcy Courts. An indolent harridan whose claim to fame is spending countless hours on the Internet divulging personal information about people and then crying foul when the victims of her uncontrolled rage take her to task for her calculated lies, groundless allegations, reprehensible innuendo, and contemptible conduct. Loretta would need to take a number and join the line of creditors waiting for payment from Chrishina Leann Hart!
WARRANT NO. 173678
I should mention at this time that it’s rather hypocritical of Loretta to complain about the misuse of her legal name considering the number of blogs that were created, at random, in other people’s legal names with her blessing and major contributions. Nevertheless, one of the most astonishing acts of stupidity I have ever witnessed is that Loretta blamed the wrong person for stalking her at Usenet just because the poster was an AOL user.
From: RetzQ2 <lmds_at_visn.net>
Date: 29 Oct 2005 07:49:47 -0700
I sent one e-mail to her editor at JM making him aware of his "victim's advocate" guest writer bashing people from my site (and me) on that bogbuster site. It is a very unprofessional way in which a person who wants to be taken seriously as a victim's advocate should behave. I'm sure if I had a column that she and a few others would have sent my (out of context) opinion about New Orleans and the scum drowning in the flood to whomever would read it. As it is, they have posted it all over cyberspace.
By the way, I am not ashamed of that opinion and I still wish the scum of NOLA had all drowned. Too bad they didn't. You really should do your homework before you jump down people's throats. It's so repulsive and such a poor way to get a point across.
I posted D*anna's email to me to demonstrate the remarkable disparity between her adulation and gushing praise of me a year ago, and her flagrant, vile, obscene attacks of me today over here on Usenet. Did I start that nonsense? No. Again, if people are going to attack me with words I allegedly said, I can show words they REALLY SAID to support my side of the story.
From: RetzQ2 <lmds_at_visn.net>
Date: 29 Oct 2005 21:23:33 -0700
“D*anna's IP coincidentally matches all the fake impersonations of my name, that of my daughters', the troll posting the "Personal Ad," the troll posting family names and other information, map to my house, my kids' pictures, other defamatory remarks, profanity, lewd comments and other psychotic garbage.
She obviously has a serious mental illness. She should get a bed at the facility where she works - if she still works there. She's been busted for her online activities, apparently. That's life in the big city. What goes around comes around, D*anna. I hope you get what you deserve. It's not going to be pretty. “
From: RetzQ2 <lmds_at_visn.net>
Date: 30 Oct 2005 06:24:44 -0800
Forking MOWron. It's the same IP - every single one of this stupid woman's trolling posts and fake names is the EXACT SAME IP! No other person here is using that IP. She's so stupid, she is a danger to herself and others.
Fascinating! You really couldn’t make this stuff up!
After Loretta posted all the personal information she could find about D*anna/Peace, including former spouse’s names, son’s names with links to their blogs, and threatened to call her employer, Chrishina Leann Hart made a confession using Loretta's nic.
Newsgroups: misc.legal
From: "RetzQ" (Chrishina)
Date: 31 Oct 2005 00:32:09 -0800
Local: Mon, Oct 31 2005 3:32 am
Subject: Re: Snip~ I do wish that the scum of New Orleans had all
“Loretta my God woman will you just admit to the fact you're wrong and move on? Oh wait you already did once. I am the person posting those pictures of you, your kids, maps, and personal ads. You know that already but you still insist on harassing Peace about it. Why? Because you have her contact information but not mine? You think you're skeery to Peace? Peace is not in afraid of you, nor am I.
I freely admit that it is I who posted that about you, what are you going to do about it? Nothing! Or harass someone else about it? Why not take it up with me? You skeered?”
10/09/05 – Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition
10/09/05 - Application to Pay Filing Fees ($194.00) in Installments
10/13/05–10/16/05: anony.authorunknown_at_gmail.com (31)
10/17/05 - Order to Pay Trustee by Payroll Deduction
10/18/05-10/23/05: DrNBuster_at_gmail.com (23)
10/18/05-10/24/05: drnbuster2_at_gmail.com (26)
10/25/05-10/26/05: betchinbanjo_at_gmail.com (22)
10/26/05-10/28/05: JacqandEvonne_at_gmail.com (17)
(This account has been banned because
it violated the Google Groups Terms of Use)
10/29/05: LorettaDillon_at_gmail.com (17)
10/30/05: RetzQ2_at_gmail.com (23)
10/30/05: RetzQ3 <LorettaDillon_at_gmail.com> (15)
10/31/05: Loretta Serrano <Retzq1_at_gmail.com> (3)
10/31/05: misfitting dot com <Retzq1_at_gmail.com> (5)
10/31/05: Retzq1_at_gmail.com (13)
11/1/05-11/4/05: misfitting dot com <Retzq1_at_gmail.com> (7)
11/4/05-11/5/05 : RetzQ <Retzq1_at_gmail.com> (10)
11/5/05: r..._at_misfitting.com (23)
11/6/05-11/13/05: Samantha <BBSamantha_at_gmail.com> (66)
11/15/05 - Notice of Appearance and Request for Service
pursuant to Rule 2002 (On behalf of the Finance Company)
11/19/05-11/20/05: <SamanthaBB_at_gmail.com> (4)
11/21/05: LoverofCandles_at_gmail.com (2)
11/22/05 - Meeting of Creditors Chapter 13
341(a) meeting at 01:00 PM
11/23/05 - Order for Payroll Deduction
Amended to increase deduction.
11/23/05 - Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan
5/17/06-5/18/06: Miss Beehavin <beaconoftruth_at_aol.com> (3)
5/18/06-5/19/06: MissBeehavin1959_at_gmail.com (2)
5/20/06-5/22/06: KathleenDillemuth_at_gmail.com (40)
Accumulating more than three hundred derisive comments at Usenet in two months, Chrishina played fast and loose with personal information hurling captious insults at anyone that responded to her chronic intrusions. When Loretta learned her stalker's identity and turned the tables on Chrishina...
“Miss Beehavin’ didn’t like it one bit.
From: RetzQ - view profile
Date: Wed, May 17 2006 8:43 am
Email: "RetzQ"
Groups: misc.legal
“If I hear from any LE people, I'll be delighted to bring the 1" and growing dossier on Shina Hart. It would actually be quite interesting. But, I'm sure Ms. Hart has no intentions of bringing LE into her little games. Instead, she just creates more bashing blogs like a 5th grader. I have no time for it.”
MissBeehavin1959_at_gmail.com ~Fri May 19 2006 - 22:42:01 PDT
“The point is you Loretta Smith aka Loretta Serrano falsely accuse people of things they've not done because you can't prove their identify so you just pull one of the names you do know out of the hat and run with it. Then one day you're proven wrong about your accusations and still you refuse to admit you were wrong. That's the point Loretta Dillon aka Loretta Serrano aka Loretta Serrano Dillon aka Loretta Dillon Serrano aka Fucktard Bitch Trog! Speaking of slanderous bashing blogs how many do you do co-own about numerous people?”
Chrishina Leann Hart's Blogs:
(Former and current)
A few of the hate blogs Chrishina created didn’t focus on Loretta exclusively. The self-professed troll targeted any misfit she had compiled information about and published personal details including locations and home phone numbers. She willfully included photographs of relatives and minor children that were lifted from various misfit websites.
About the phone calls to RRPD? Here's what Loretta had to say!
Usenet: Retzq - May 20, 2006 @ 11:06 AM
“Well, regardless of where you trace it, I happen to know for a FACT that the IP belongs to Shina Hart of Tennessee. She lives near Clarksville, in Springfield. This woman is a self-professed "troll" and harasser and has bragged here on Usent, in Muttville, and on my blog about her menacing and malicious online antics for the past two years.
Recently, she has claimed to have called the local police to report me for stalking and harassing her. This is quite funny. I have yet to hear from anyone. Meanwhile, she continues to create nicks to harass me on Usenet. (Note that she continues to follow me here), and now she's using names of members of my family (again, like she did last fall) to harass me.
Obviously in her manic mode last night (she is mentally ill by her own admission and probably needs medication to combat the manic phases), she was too impulsive and careless to change over to AOL or at least to use a proxy to post. Thus, she posted using the same IP to answer herself using "MissBehavin" and KathleenD. Oops. Note also that she did this at 3 in the morning.
The only reason I am even responding to this is to have it on the record just in case she and your little mutt pals get it in their cotton candy brains to try and prove that Shina Hart is innocent of harassment, defamation, malicious mischief, stalking, and other online terrorism.“
From: Kathleen Dillemuth (Chrishina)<KathleenDillemuth_at_gmail.com>
Date: 20 May 2006 17:17:15 -0700
"Hey Loretta Dillon aka Loretta Serrano call Shina at 1-615-346-2800!"
(Rejection Hotline) - TENNESSEE
901-328-8380 (Memphis), 615-346-2800 (Nashville)
From: Kathleen Dillemuth (Chrishina)
Date: 21 May 2006 16:41:16 –0700
"Hello Everybody! Since Loretta has refused to leave me alone I have no choice but to defend myself against her attacks. ~pah such is life."
I imagine this is when Chrishina Leann Hart made the critical decision to defect and subsequently hung her friends out to dry! It's a reasonable assumption that she made one heck of a sweet deal with Loretta Serrano considering her Tribute Blog was suspended for five months while those remaining were periodically updated. What a pathetic loser!
Daddy must be so proud of his little girl’s lifetime achievements!
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