Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why's In Left Field - Part 5

If you buy into the notion the “shitload of fun” did a 180 to absolve her friends of Loretta’s wrongful accusations you are an easy sell. The undeniable truth is that only one person benefited from the notorious covenant with Loretta Serrano… namely, Chrishina Leann Hart!

Accumulating more mileage than the 200 leading presidential contenders, Chrishina campaigned vigorously across the Blogosphere clarifying her 5/25/06 pledge of: “No more emails, posts, two faced people, strangers on the internet, no favors, no phone calls, no contact from anyone involved regardless of who it is”

The “stupid troll” headed straight for Anne Curi’s publishing empire where she registered a complaint at KCL’s active Tribute blog as her own spite blog was suspended. Her criticism was duly noted in a commentary dated 6/1/06 @ 20:53:48 by the Brazilian editor-in-chief, which essentially outlined the merits of bipartisan cooperation.

Some perks arrived through Chrishina’s inbox with amazing speed in the form of purloined communiqués that had been confiscated by Loretta when she hacked into her sister’s email account on 5/27/06.

From: "Loretta S."
To: "Shina"
Subject: Peace/Deanna's Email to the Mutts about you
Date:Thu, 1 Jun 2006 20:58:08 -0400

From: "Loretta S."
To: "Shina"
Subject: More Lovely Tidbits
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 09:46:41 -0400

From: "Loretta S."
To: "Shina"
Subject: Andrea's Blather
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 09:48:19 –0400

Andrea’s “blather” consisted of shock and dismay concerning recent events, yet she felt bad for Shina. She mentioned that someone in the group hoped Mike was aware of what was going on and would be supportive and watchful. JA was angered that Chrishina blamed Cathy for fueling the flames at LH2, a venue where its been said Ms L rarely participated. Katie speculated that Shina was driven by some misguided rationale and asked for everyone’s patience in sorting through the problem. Anita spoke of compassion and understanding along with expressing fear that Shina may do something to harm herself.

Peace was more reflective in her observations as she tried to make sense of what happened. Peace wrote that “Sam” had not responded to the last email she sent her. She tried calling Shina from work but the number was no longer in service. Peace explained how she feared for her sons, herself, and her job when Loretta blamed her for things Shina had posted at Usenet. Peace recalled when she began doubting the veracity of Shina’s claims and couldn’t distinguish fact from fiction due to so many discrepancies. In short, Peace was as baffled as everyone else.

Four beleaguered friends trying to comprehend the logic behind what happened. Friends, Chrishina had isolated herself from. Friends she would publicly castigate five months down the road. Friends she eventually blamed for the creation of another Tribute Blog that clearly has her own butt prints all over it.

Had Chrishina kept her pledge and rode off into the sunset, the theory that she wanted to be left out of it forever may have been believable. As it turned out, that wasn’t the case. Within one month the Tennessee traitor furtively executed yet another U-turn by actively participating at The Truth Tree, a blog operated by the individual she blamed most for keeping the flame war going at LH2.

She authored comments under various nics: Admin, anonymous, Diamond,
#1 Bitch, Designer Elf, H20Lover, Night Watch Elf, Keebler Elf Too, Happy, SickandTired, Calling CPS, and Corky.

“Testing 123”
Admin (Shina) 07.04.06 - 12:11 am

“Ick! Do we have to put up with rabid monkeys over here as well? I can understand at LH but here? Just asking.”
Diamond (Shina) 07.09.06 - 11:04 pm

Apparently Chrishina’s agreement with Loretta Serrano was non-binding. Curiously Shina’s spite blog remained closed as the rest were periodically updated.

I remember when KCL confronted Chrishina at The Truth Tree and how shocking it was to learn Shina had been participating anonymously after announcing her retirement from the blogosphere. The incident triggered a heated discussion most of which is no longer available at the site. Posters considered it an issue that should have been resolved through email rather than Miss Loveliness’ blog. The problem with that option is Chrishina had closed her email account in May without leaving a forwarding address.

Miss Loveliness diffused the situation with the following:

“Though I've not spoken to Samantha personally, and did experience some minor discomfort over her brief association with the Lowest, I can understand how she was duped by Loretta. Even I, who at varying times throughout the last decade of continuous BS, have found myself wanting to reach out to her and feeling somewhat sorry for her. I, who know this woman's MO very, very well. Loretta’s days of squeezing any sympathy from me are now, good and over. All I'm saying is, Loretta has a grand talent for sucking the most seasoned of adversaries into her world. I feel Samantha is making amends to me, and I have forgiveness in my heart, given knowledge of the circumstances. Though not the popular opinion, I'm leaving the door open for Samantha to read or post, and anyone who is willing to be truthful and respectful of others here.” Miss Loveliness 07.22.06 - 4:45 pm

KCL was amenable.

“Thanks for that clarification Miss L. This is your House and I respect your rules/requests/etc! By now I know how to step over all kinds of things or step around or in some cases step ON but I will respect your requests.”
katiec**lady 07.22.06 - 5:27 pm

Baby Girl chimed in…

“As for Sam...I'm not gonna get into that. We had our say. It's done.
Now what are the rest of you sluts up to?”
Baby Girl 07.23.06 - 8:48 pm

Chrishina was boorish.

“This is just sad. A few of you are allowing your black heart of hate ruin Miss L's blog and chance to tell her story. Show some respect girls and stay on topic! This blog is not about Samantha, Katie, or Neps Mom got it? It's about Cathy defending herself against the lies of Loretta Serrano. Respect that or leave!”
H20Lover (Shina) 07.23.06 - 10:25 pm

That’s a complete turnaround from: “Sweet Sister you know who that is too. I believe she is feeding people a lot of lies and is keeping this flame war going. I lay most of the blame on her for this blog (LH2) still being active at all. ~5/27/06”

By 8/14/06, Chrishina was welcomed at The Pound.

“Thanks for the welcome.”
Sooner (Shina) 08.14.06 - 12:45 am

Where she kept a low profile as the resident disc jockey.

DJ Sooner (Shina) 08.14.06 - 5:57 pm

In October 2006, Chrishina circulated the following announcement:

Original message from Shina -

“I'm going to try blogging again. Anybody who wants to read it
here's the web address

If that bitch Loretta and her gang show up I'm going to drive to OH and kill her period.

BG I updated the fur entry. Thank you girl for all you've done. I like blogging and wish more of you had blogs hint hint. Its a great way to keep up with each other's lives. Love that and you!. If you want me to help you set up a blog email me. I'm not the best or worst out there but I'm free.


It was around the time Shina told us she had found Mgt, who turned out to be Mtnwmn. We all know the outcome of that fiasco. Nobody asked Shina to go looking for either Mgt or Mtnwmn, in fact everyone was perplexed that she had. And when Mntwmn pursued the matter, Chrishina, whose name can be rearranged to spell LIAR Cant Hash Her Inn… LIED!

Response From:: Shina Hart aka
11/03/06 - Mtnwmn / Darragh

“Most of those people were clearly never my "friend", others still are. Is that what gives Loretta and Vero the right to harass target and threaten me? Even though I'm not welcome to post at any of the blogs for at least six months now. I have turned my back on this situation many times only to be dragged back kicking and screaming by your pal Loretta. Why that bitch won't leave me alone I'll never know. Maybe you know?

Why do you assume it's me that is posting your picture? Even if I tell you it's not you're going to believe it is because Loretta and Vero say so right? Loretta and Vero love to attach my name and image to shit that has never been done or posted by me. So yes Mtnwmn I know exactly how it feels and is why I posted what I did on your blog as Chin Up.

My actions are mine I "owned" them (and yes some where very hard to own), apologized to both sides and ceased any involvement. That was until Loretta continued to target me. I'm not bothering Loretta on the net at any blog. I had to create this blog to address her and Vero's lies on the blog they created to harass and threaten me. If they would stop their bullshit I wouldn't have anything to bitch about here.

I don’t know you lady and don't have any problem with you except your implying its me thats harassing you. If reading at your blog is harassing you well then maybe I am guilty gah!”

What a piece of work! The “stupid troll” not only lied, but also assumed the role of victim! Posting comments at Darragh’s blog as “chin up” was ludicrous. She certainly didn’t curtail her participation at the blogs, in fact, I’ve never seen anyone jump from the frying pan into the fire with as much enthusiasm as Chrishina Leann Hart all the while her Tribute blog was in hibernation. The following sample of Chrishina’s handiwork is a reliable indication the shyster had way too much time on her hands:

"Breaking News
This just in...... It appears the fucktard and her monktards had glamour shots taken while at Lisa's for her birthday party. Not that big of a deal? What if I told you we got our hands on copies of those hidden glamour shots? ::please put on your protective eye gear now::

The Watson Elf, Lie-sa
CountryGirl, Hooterville Ho
Ronni, Vero
Loretta Serrano, Loretta Dillon, Misfit, Fucktard, too many nicks to list

Back to you Murphy."
Corky (Shina) 08.30.06 - 4:29 pm

I remember the first chat session I participated in with Chrishina in attendance. She said she had learned how to compile a slide show and provided a link to demonstrate her newly acquired skill. The album contained images that morphed into the distorted photos above. If Shina was waiting for compliments she must have been disappointed. No one in the session expressed approval.

The turncoat most assuredly didn’t express regret to KCL when she shed her “DJ Sooner” disguise AFTER the spite blogs were closed all the while refusing to accept apologies offered.

She never addressed Andrea or Anita directly, instead she grumbled about the context of the emails Loretta forwarded to her SIX months prior:

“I received several emails from Loretta that were written by some of you about me. How did she get those emails? Ask her sister. I didn't have access to Mimi's email account and sure as hell never provided the passwords to Loretta. If you want to blame me for Loretta being rotten and hacking her sister's email account well that's fine too. My point for bringing that up is this....I read what some of my dearest and closet "friends" said about me behind my back. Discussing whether or not to call my husband and tell on me? My husband and I are the best of friends, he knows who I am online and offline.”
Samantha (Shina) 11.14.06 - 8:08 pm

That’s a distortion that doesn’t even resemble what was actually written in those emails. The Tennessee twit must have expected her "friends" to organize a parade in her honor!

“Where was Katie and Anita when my bash blog went back up because of their blogs about Loretta?”
Samantha (Shina) 11.15.06 - 12:00 am

Both Katie’s and Anita’s Tribute blogs remained active during the six months Chrishina’s was mothballed. What made Shina think either of the two were under any obligation to soothe her fragile psyche after what she had done? The reality is that Chrishina, herself, commanded the grand reopening of her Tribute blog!


I have moved my url and changed my name in hopes to shake a few ...August 31,2006 17:41 GMTI have moved my url and changed my name in hopes to shake a few stalkers (Loretta Serrano), but they have proven they love me too much to leave me alone, poor fucktards. Thus making me a crazy fucktard stalker magnet~pah such is life

Loretta Serrano Dillon is an EVIL BITCH!
October 14,2006 04:56 GMT -I imagine my hate blog that Loretta Serrano Dillon runs at will be back up and in business because you will see this as my "asking for it". But in truth I had left you alone and you as of today continue to

Shina Hart Fights Back - Since Loretta Serrano Dillon claims she is not the owner of these hate blogs created to harass, bully and stalk, lets see how long it takes for the Shina Hart hate blog to come back to life! Watch with me Loretta Serrano Dillon's Hate Blog Created to Stalk and Libel Shina Hart if you like! - by beingshina in Shina Hart Fights Back

Last, but not least, Chrishina ambushed Peace, the person who initially took all the hits from Loretta because of what the bag of rat sputum, the person whose name can be rearranged to spell LIAR Chant Inner Hash, had written at Usenet.

Peace responded:

“I haven't been here in several days. I was informed of Sam's post to me. I went looking for it, not expecting at all what she wrote, and found it quite disturbing. I wasn't going to respond, but have since decided to.”

“This is to Peace and Peace only.”
Why didn't you send this to me in email?

(That’s a great question considering the kibitzer had a different set of standards for herself.)

(“If anybody has a problem with me period my email is still shinahart at charter dot net. Out of respect for the pound crew take it to my email please and thanks.”
Sam 12.04.06 - 11:39 pm)

“You've hurt me deeper than Loretta or Katie ever could. You pretended to be my friend to suit your own agenda. We spent hours on the phone, emails and chats. I trusted you with things I've never told another living soul. You claimed you were closer to me than anybody else at the blogs.”

I never pretended to be your friend, I WAS your friend. It had nothing to do with my own agenda. When ever I added my say to any of the conversations in emails about you, it was that I didn't believe you did it what you did on your own.; I always said I believed you were set up and that there were others helping you and that I really was lost (from not following closely) at why so many were blaming just you. I also said that I didn't think Loretta hi-jacked the emails from anything you gave her, but that I felt she and her sister had come to a truce prior and that emails were gathered from that truce. At the time, I'm sure I was closer to you than anyone else...... at the time.

“At the same time you were the one who outed me to Loretta with your angelmommy post.”

No. Sam, you are so wrong about this. And you know it. Others had posted about your blog and your baby before I did. I did not out you. When I posted anything in regard to that, I did not use your name nor did I use mine. I was on your side, defending you completely. I had seen the blog and I knew others that had also. I said it was a beautiful, sad, at times happy, and a very therapeutic blog. Sam, we were both outted by someone else and we both know who that was. Why are you saying all this now and so differently than the way it actually happened?

“I made excuses for that by saying you were upset and didn't realize what you posted about me even though I asked you not to.”

Sam, Loretta and others had already posted about it. Loretta said derogatory things about you, your baby and the blog. Others had mentioned it. If you recall, I only said good things about it and even then I didn't use your name. I didn't even know it was your blog and had in fact forgotten about it until Lo brought it up. You know I was trying very hard to defend you and to show others how compassionate you are and how much you and your blog were helpful to others that had lost a baby. As I told you, I had found your blog, long before, through a link at one of Laci's memorial sites.

“I overlooked it because I trusted it was a mistake.......... even though you wouldn't talk to me on the phone, email or IM.”

It was NOT a mistake. I spoke as, and for, a RL friend of mine who had also seen your blog. She had found tremendous comfort from you and others that posted there. It was just one of the many things you had done to help others anonymously, that many here didn't/don't know about.
As you know, I have a very busy RL . From the bashing I received from "U-NO-HOO" and her telling me how furious you were.... (even tho my post was immediately removed after I posted it), and that she admitted to contacting you and telling you her version and interpretation of why I posted what I said, I chose to go away from everything at the blogs, for awhile. I could definitely see where it was going, due to her having to get involved in it, in a negative way and causing tension between us.
Peace 11.15.06 - 5:33 am

“While I was being exposed and blasted on the blog I was behind the scenes trying to make sure you were ok because you exposed me.”

Again. I did not expose you nor was I the one that exposed myself. Loretta and others had already posted about the subject and your blog and your baby. Someone else did the exposing for us.... and we both know who that was.

“When I was exposed by Loretta you never once stood up for me on the blog but before I was exposed in email, phone and IM you were my biggest supporter. You lied and said I allowed Loretta to blame you for things I done on the blogs and at usenet. Peace that wasn't true and told you many times I would out myself to Loretta, your boss or whoever to stop her for blaming you. You asked me not to!”

I don't remember saying that nor even feeling that. Please show proof if I'm mistaken. It was there for all the world to see, that you defended me and stated that you weren't me and that I hadn't posted all the stuff Loretta accused me of posting. Why would I say otherwise? I really do not know why this is coming from you now, but I have my ideas of from where it's coming. I thought we had hashed and re-hashed all the confusion and settled all the misconceptions months ago.

“I asked you not to share my photos with anyone so many times just to have another person you sent them to contact me to tell me how pretty I am.”

You know damn well and so do all the others here, that I NEVER sent a photo of anyone, especially you, at anytime, to anyone, including you.... without asking permission first. Why even say that? If anyone has a pic of you, from me, YOU said it was OK!

“When I was dealing with Loretta exposing me on the blogs you remained silent. But when Katie blasted me on the blogs you supported her and went so far as to call me a liar. You also said you were closer to Katie, Anita and Andrea than anyone else on the blogs in public.”

Sam, Common. Please be serious and truthful. When did I ever call you a liar. Liar isn't a word I use, especially about someone I care(d) about. Ask all the others if I didn't say many times, that I didn't think Sam was to blame completely. Nor that I had all the details...(I had been away right before). If anything, I defended you, but also said I understood why others were angry. I didn't understand completely, at the time, and I still don't, why all the emotional outbursts and name calling.
Peace 11.15.06 - 5:34 am

“But in private it was me and you spoke poorly of your real friends. It wasn't that I had to be the closest friend to you, it was that you lied to me and said I was.”

Who were the real friends I spoke poorly of? I agree there were some POSTS that both YOU AND I spoke about and laughed at and couldn't figure out and thought were weird..... but really, who did I bash or say I didn't like? Are you talking about in the beginning? When neither of us knew anyone very well? Wasn't it when, so long ago, no one was a real friend, but were just other people we "met" with whom to bash Loretta? I haven't spoken to you since I've felt I've become close to anyone here.

“It wasn't that I had to be the closest friend to you, it was that you lied to me and said I was. You had me believing you hand my back, and that you really cared.”

You WERE my closest friend, Sam. And yes, I meant it when I told you that you were. And you were, until you and the other poster blamed me for something I did, and turned it all around, when I thought I was helping you.

“But in truth you talked the worst about me behind my back. You used me to gain information about your other friends. You lied to my face! You shared my secrets with your real closest friends.”

OMG... SAM. To whom did I talk the worst about you behind your back? Of whom, what friends, anyone, did I try to gain info about? When did I lie to your face? And what secrets did I share? Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone else? Or that maybe SOMEONE ELSE has told YOU some lies? I'd prefer some actual details, than just these generalizations. I'm totally lost here, by all your accusations.

“Peace when I said I cared about you I meant it. I wasn't trying to use you to gain inside information. That will always hurt but I forgave you on the phone while you were lying to my face about what you said about me in those email.”

I never felt you were trying to gain inside info from me. I know very little info anyway and I surely don't go looking for it nor do I try to make anyone tell me secrets about others. I'm too old for this and I have a very busy and fulfilling RL, to figure out what all is going on here. The thing I hate more than anything, is for the friends I have made, on "both sides" to be angry at each other. That includes friends I made at Misfits, at Psyche's Knot and all the blogs I've contributed to, since.

“Yes Peace I knew you were lying but I didn't care, because I cared about you the person more than any blog war. ~Samantha 11.14.06 - 8:08 pm”

I wish you'd point out the lies, because, as usual, I'm very much baffled. Not only by what you've posted here, to just me, but by a lot of other stuff being said and taking place. I did apologize to you and to NM a few days ago, for any hurt I caused you, when you both did what you thought was right in helping end the war with Loretta. I was and still am confused about all the details. Obviously, you don't accept my apology.

And since I haven't been following all what's taking place here, now, I am very much confused about all the tension between all of us. And all the accusations and the bringing up of "old stuff." At one time or other, all of us who've been here from the beginning, and who Loretta has outted, have been highly emotional... angry, sad, embarrassed, ecstatic and a lot at different times. We have reached a goal, regardless how and by whom... Loretta has changed for now and for that, we should all be partying together. Not fighting about stupid details about who, what, when and how. And certainly not bashing each other. Not NOW!!!!
Peace 11.15.06 - 5:35 am


“And I swear to God I didn't want to think Anita, Katie, Andrea and Peace were behind this but after everything I found well I'm certain it's them.”
~Chrishina Leann Hart (2/2/07) -

"When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself". ~Louis Nizer